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"Hey, diamond". He smiled clumsily shaking my hand.
"Take her to they Barack's".
"To the what?".
"Your room". Louis tried to calm me.
"Barracks". Carl was ice cold staring there no emotions on his face.
"Yeah". Louis looked down motioning me to follow him. To a large hall at the end of it, there's a bookshelf.
"Why is..?". I watched him pushing it from the wall like it's supposed to move.
A door appeared from behind it.
I stumbled back.
"Wow is that support to...".
"It's for inspection when people come and see this".

See this in the camps!?

"Then why are you building fucling camps for..!".
"I know what you are".
I know he doesn't mean it but my blood started to boil.
"I'm not a what okay I'm also just a human being!". I stared at him trying to catch my breath.
"I know I know just... I'm sorry".
I looked away from him.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it specific to you I just I'm sick of people calling me a nonhuman".
"I know but I just work here because I need it please don't blame me".
I nodded following him to the barracks it was a large room with bunks.
"You're lucky you're the first one there are more coming in a few days they'll keep you company".
"Who will come?". I turned back towards him.
"black people".
"I'm black too". Tears welled up in my eyes.
"I know it's just that now you don't look like yourself".
"I did it to protect myself". I looked at my hands.
"I just go... Carl will call you over the speakers if he needs you". He closed the door behind him locking it up.

As soon as I sat down onto one of the bunks I stared crying my whole body shakes from all the pressure and stress  I valuables on the bed crying trying not to hyperventilate between my sobs.
The door opened again Louis walked in again.
I quickly wiped away my tears.
"What?". I looked at him my voice hosty.
"Luna brought your backpack you may want it back". He handed me over shawn's old backpack.
"Thank you". I pressed the backpack against my chest resting my head on it the only thing from shawn I have is is a backpack and his hoodie which is technically Aaliyah's.
"Are you fine?". He walked closer to me.
"Aren't you supposed to go this isn't a place to make friends"? I stared in front of my aimlessly.
"Yes, sure I'll go". He closed the door again locking it.
My vision was blurry from tears I kept staring at the wall between the opposite bunks from me. It was a dull grey color the color of depressing rainy days.

It's been four hours I timed it on the dusty clock hanging on the wall.
Four hours of finding my perfect bunk laying on the hard paper like mattress trying to get used to it but it isn't the same as shawn's bed his bed was soft pillows fluffy and comfy. I tried to imagine his room around the bunk but this doesn't feel the same I felt safe in his room this place just haunts me.
The door unlocked as I heaved myself up budgeting my feet over the bunk. I looked up at Louis and carl.
"What do you need?". I pulled my hair from my face.
"Come with us we don't want you to confuse the others".

God this boy is realy getting on my nerves

I dug my nails onto the mattress leaving marks on it.
"Take her". He ordered Louis.
Louis followed that order walking over to me dragging me down from my bunk. Walking me out of the room "what do you want from me now?". I looked up at Louis.
He didn't respond.
"Binding back the realy you". Carl glanced at me shortly.
A weird feeling boiled up in my stomach making me sick and dizzy.
"Take your median". He pointed at my pocket.
"No, I'm okay". I lied I wasn't okay my stomach protested heavily against it.
I shrieked in holding my stomach almost stumbling to the ground.
"Keep her straight". Carl bumped Louis's shoulder.
With that Louis pulled me up rudely.
We walked into a turore room with a massive metal chair in the middle of it.
A boy standing at the sink turned around tilting his head when his eyes met mine.
"Long time not seen diamond".


I just stared at him.
"What surprises to see your long lost friend?". He smiled.
"We aren't friends".
"You stated at mine for like three days".
"We aren't friends you betrayed me". I looked at him angrily.
"Sit down".
"Sit down diamond!".
"No, I refuse to listen to you".
He glanced over at carl who raised an eyebrow shortly nodded motioning Louis to push me down the chair locking the chains around my worst and ankles.
"Those damn chains again!?".
"Get used to it". Carl snapped.
"So where do we start your hair?". Roby pulled my hair from my face.
"What are you gonna do?". My hands formed firsts feeling the anger boiling up again.
"Diamond I know it's a wig underneath it some beautiful flow of dreadlocks hid there". His face was just a few inches from mine.
A lump formed in my throat when Roby took a needle between his finger a hair laser in his other.
"Aww Diamond our littoral precious diamond". He laughted.

It hurted Roby tried to laser off the lost part which left my wig all burned and knot up. He loosens the last hook with the needles taking it off of my head. My black hair was pinned together on my head neatly he u knot it rudely even cutting a part of my hair because he couldn't get it out otherwise.
"Ouch can't I just to it myself?". I grabbed my hair pulling the pin out carefully. Letting my hair down falling over my shoulders. I had my hair onto little braids to keep it from knotting together too much.
When I don't have them in my hair is curly sometimes even fuzzy.

"Now your skin how did you get it this white diamond?". Roby caught down in front of me.
I looked down already embarked on my hair.
"I bleated it". My voice went small.
"What I can't hear you".
I looked up at him tears in my eyes already.
"I bleated it!".
"How much did you bleach?".
My arms hand a little of my ankles and my face down to a little of my chest. I tried to control my emotions but I can't stop crying.

I realy fucked up!

He stood up taking something him his hand.
"Omay this is gonna hurt but you did this yourself". He held the sandpaper in front of my face.
"Take off your clothes". Carl crossed his arms over his chest.
"You need a uniform anyway". Ge stared at Louis for a while. It tools him a while to realize it again. When he did he unchained me pulling me up. I "do realy have to with you all staring?".
"I realy cant".
Roby and carl turned around but Louis stayed in place.

Little Pervert

"I have to. order from my job". He heaved his shoulders.
I stared at him angrily getting to take off my Aaliyah's hoodie.
The door swung open luna held a girl in her arms with a strong grip.
"Good to see Juliana is here too". Carl smiled creepily.

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