(Jason Dean) You wanted this!

Beginne am Anfang

If it weren't for the the very late hour and my slight tipsiness, I probably would've questioned him but I wasn't in my right mind. Instead I went over to his place and stayed the night.

By the morning, I was sporting a killer headache but I knew that my hangover wasn't the priority. I needed to go over to Heather's.

Remembering that JD wanted to come with for some reason, I woke him up and we walked there together.

We got inside and there I saw Veronica. JD covered my mouth before I could make myself known.

"Well if it isn't Veronica Sawyer."

"Look Heather, I'm really sorry-"

"Now just hold it, Sawyer, N/N isn't here yet so make yourself useful and make me a prairie oyster and I'll think about forgiving you."

Veronica was right on it and Heather seemingly fell back asleep. When Veronica finished she got distracted by something in another room.

JD took this as an opportunity to dash into the kitchen and pour something into the mug.

In the time it took me to process what was going on, JD was already by my side again.

Noticing my confusion he answered my mental question. "Drain cleaner. Remember when we spoke about killing the popular kids?"

"JD what the-" he kissed me to shut me up.

Before I could do anything to stop it, Heather Chandler was on the floor, dead.

I wanted to scream but JD put a hand on my mouth and sternly asked, "You wanna go to jail?"

I shook my head.

"Then work with me. You're gonna pretend to walk in through the door, act like you're here to give Heather her hangover cure, 'catch' Veronica and call the police. I'm gonna leave."

In hindsight I shouldn't have done what he said but I was petrified so I went along with it. With everything unsettlingly aligning, (the reason I was there and a motive for Veronica) she got arrested that day.

It was the talk of the school. A murderer had been among us. We were given all these PSAs and talks. No one saw it coming and only JD and I knew the truth.

Poor Veronica, she probably had herself convinced that she was the monster everyone was calling her. Now she was serving life imprisonment.

When I went to JD's place again I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell. Instead I felt trapped and defenceless. I just kissed him. All my anger and frustration was poured into it.

Why didn't I leave him then and there, I don't know but all I know is that our relationship grew somehow stronger. I almost felt like I had no choice and if I broke up with him, I'd have no one left.

The next incident was when Heather M called me to meet her. When I got there, I saw her and Duke scrambling to get away from Kurt and Ram. Turns out the reason they need me was that the jerks agreed to leave the Heathers alone if they could hook up with me.

I felt paralysed when I realised my predicament but before anything happened, I heard four gunshots and turned to see JD holding two guns and wearing gloves.

The Heathers, Ram and Kurt were dead in front of Duke's car.

Turns out he had two more guns and he placed one in each person's hand and taped a fake suicide note to the car that read something about a suicide pact to be with Heather C again.

I once again had no time to process anything because JD grabbed my hand and ran.

When we got to his place, I yelled at him, "We're done, you psycho!"

"Now baby, you know that if you try turn me in you go down with me," he said patronisingly.

I slapped him hard in the face then calmly said, "Stop your threats I said nothing about turning you in but I want nothing to do with you."

With that, I left his place and thought I would never see him again. Little did I know, he was planning something huge.

In the time the school gave us off, I cried to my parents. I didn't explain the situation but they knew five of my peers were dead and one in jail so I didn't really need to.

When we all returned to school it dawned on me that I was now the most popular person in school. Since I was a Heather and they're all dead, I was the new queen bee.

Kind of what my original plan was and now it made me feel even more guilty than before. People were giving me so much attention and all I wanted was to be invisible again.

When I heard of Martha's attempt, I broke down, not even caring that everyone was watching me.

Upon hearing about a petition going around for a school commemorative day, I didn't hesitate to sign it. Perhaps it was to ease my conscience all things considered. However when I found out JD was behind it I knew something was up.

One day he came into my room and I hid away not daring to make a sound. "I guess you're not in here, N/N. It's a shame, I had an elaborate plan to win you back. That petition which has your name on it, is the centre of all this. Really it's a note that reads, 'We the students of Westeburg High will die. Our burned bodies may finally get through to you. Your society churns out slaves and blanks no thanks. Signed the students of Westeburg High, goodbye.' It rhymes, nice touch. Then I plant a trigger bomb in the boiler room, it explodes today's pep rally blah blah blah. I love you Y/N. Now I'm waiting for you to come home."

I heard him sit on my bed to wait there. NOT GOOD!!!

"Y/N honey, you in there? I'm coming in."

JD sighs, "Guess I'll tell you at school."

I hear him leave through the window before my mom walks in. The second she got in, I gave her a big, tight hug. "I gotta go. I love you so much."

"Love you too honey."

With that, I rushed to school and went to the boiler room. Lo and behold there stood Jason Dean himself.

"Ah, I had a feeling you were there. Came back for me?"

"Shut up and put that thing down. You've done enough damage."

"No!" he screamed frightening me, "They deserve this, every last one of them! You said it yourself, you wanted this!

"I wanted petty revenge not murder! You are going to deactivate that before I kill you!" I exclaimed pointing one of his guns I picked up at him.

He chuckled, "Kill away, you'll still die with the school. You'll die no better than me!"

I shot him in the leg "Shut up Jason!"

As he fell to the ground I steadily approached the bomb, keeping the gun pointed at him.

He tried to get up so I shot him in the side.

"It's over JD. You lost," I said.

"You still don't know how the bomb works, L/N," he remarked with a smirk.

"Shut up," I responded before destroying it with a hammer, "this is what I want to do to you, JD."

When I was certain it was demolished I got in his face, "Now listen, I'm gonna tell the cops everything and we're gonna get Veronica out of jail. I don't care if I go down with you, you're still going down. Clear?"

"Crystal," he responded with a groan.

With that I called the police, told them the full truth and that brings us to today, my trial is soon going to start. At least Veronica's out. If only I never met Jason Dean.

(A/N: It's been a while haha. Ik this was bad and I feel like it's kinda rushed but here you go😄)

QOTD: What's your favourite Heathers song?

My answer: Meant To Be Yours

Toodles 😘

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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