'I love you.' I went back in for another kiss before we were interrupted by Lola knocking at my bedroom door.

'Any news?' She asked as she poked her head round my door.

Brad nodded with a large smile. Lola ran towards us and slid into the bed next to me as Brad grabbed his phone to show her photos of his nephew.

'He's such a dote.' She gasped. 'Do they have a name yet?'

'Grayson.' Brad told her.

'I love that name!' She said as she lay her head on my shoulder. 'When are you guys having a baby?'

'Don't start Brad, he's anti Brace baby.' I stifled a laugh.

'Hey don't you start this.' He instantly shot up from his position.

Lola stuck her head in the crook of my neck as she hid her laughter.

'You keep twisting my words. Do you want to have sex now and I'll impregnate you?' He asked with a slightly raise voice.

'Go on take me then.' I shrugged which sent Lola as she let out a loud howl.

'Brad I want a baby too.' She calmed herself down to be able to talk.

He got up and stormed off to the bathroom, not before we got out last of taking the piss out of him this morning.

'Am I turning you on?' I questioned as I ran and pounced on his back. 'Do you like it when I talk dirty to you?'

I tackled him so he fell back and was lying on my bed, I climbed off of him and went back to lie next to Lola as he took himself into the bathroom.

Within two hours we were on our way to the hospital to meet Brad's nephew which he was ecstatic about. He made sure to bring a little outfit and hat he had bought for him along with a tiny cuddly rabbit.

He took my hand once we got out of the car and held the gift bag in his other hand. We stepped out of the lift and made our way down the hospital corridor where David stood waiting to greet us.

'Congrats man.' Brad said as he pulled him into a hug.

'Congratulations.' I smiled as I hugged him next.

He led us into the room where Nat and baby Grayson were. Nat sat up in the bed while she cradled him in her arms.

'Congratulations sis.' Brad said as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. 'Hello little one.' He rubbed his finger on Grayson's cheek. 'He's got our nose.' He said causing us all to chuckle.

'Congratulations Nat.' I said as I stood next to Brad, she extended her arm to reach for my hand.

Brad took a hold of Grayson and sat on the large comfy chair with him as he stared down at his nephew.

I took my phone and snapped a few photos of them, capturing their first meeting.

'He's so tiny.' Brad said as he finally looked up.

'He was only 5 pounds 7 ounces.' David chirped as he sat next to Nat on the bed.

I sat down on the arm of the chair next to Brad as I put my hands on his shoulders and looked down at the baby in his arms.

'He's David's double but he does have the Simpson nose.' I commented as everyone agreed.

After a few more minutes I finally got a cuddle as Brad and I swapped positions, him now on the arm of the chair.

David snapped a few photos of us both before Anne Marie and Derek rang to say they were outside of the hospital so David left to meet them.

Brad caressed Grayson's hand with his index finger when suddenly his little hand wrapped around Brad's finger.

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