"It's a protection charm. Stash it properly, and return it to me after then."

"T-then, I won't lose it!"

"Okay," she grinned, "I trust you. I'll see you in the next time we shall meet up!"

He chuckled and began walking out. The princess mentally bonked her head.

'Stupid! You forgot you were supposed to give him something!'

Grabbing Izuku by his arm, she pulled the startled boy towards her and leaned forward, giving his already-scarlet cheeks a kiss.

"T-This is just a kiss f-for luck!"

The door shut behind her and Izuku sank to the floor, hand hovering over the cheek she kissed.

"I-I think I need more luck..."

"Deku! You're here!" Uraraka cheerily greeted him, Ilida, Tsuyu and Todoroki following suit.

"How was your long weekend, Midoriya?" The heterochromatic-eyed boy promptly asked him.

"It was great! I was pretty busy though." Izuku replied, scratching the back of his head. Suddenly, he thought about the H/Cette at home and blushed.

"Kero, are you okay, Midoriya?" Tsuyu ribbited, a finger under her chin in thought. The blue haired megane pushed his glasses upwards in a stern manner,

"You just came back from the weekend yet you're red like you have a fever. Are you trying to get yourself sick again?"

"N-NO! I-I-I-IT'S NOTHING!" Just then, a certain explosive boy blasted himself into their conversation (pun unintended), a red haired boy tagging along behind him.

"DEKU! WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT BITCH WITH YOU THE OTHER DAY HA?! DON'T THINK I'VE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT ALREADY!" Kirishima sweatdropped and filled the gaps in for Bakugo, who was seething with unmistakable rage.

"He means to say, who was that girl you were with at the mall?"

At the mention of a girl, the whole class turned towards the stuttering lad with mixed expressions.


"A GIRL?!"



Half of the class raced towards him, pestering him with various questions while he struggled to answer them. The greenette met angry crimson eyes, hinting that he was expecting an answer out of him.

After subtlety avoiding the majority of the questions directed towards the young princess, Midoriya raced towards the fourth floor and stopped in front of Bakugo's dorm. His knuckles rapped on the door.


The blonde boy opened the door, and seeing the greenette in front of him made Bakugo cross his arms, eyebrows raised.

Ever since Izuku told him the truth about his quirk and his position as All Might's successor, Katsuki Bakugo had mellowed out, although his passion towards becoming the number one hero remained and seem to intense tenfold.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head and opened his mouth to speak but Katsuki covered his mouth with a hand, looking around the floor for anyone that might be snooping around. Seeing no one, he gestured for the boy to come inside his room. Once Izuku was seated on the bed, and Katsuki on his swivel chair, the latter gestured to the former with a hand to continue. Izuku obliged, telling him everything from the first time he and Y/N met to the current situation they were in now.

Surprisingly, the red-eyed boy was a good listener, keeping quiet whilst he explained. If they were in this situation a year before, Katsuki would've blasted him in the face if the greenette as much as spoke to him.

"So that bitch was from a whole other era, eh? Found a fuckin' solution yet?"

"We're s-still looking for a pro-hero who can time-travel. C-Clockwork was our only option, but we don't know where she is of now."

"Hm... I'll see what I can fuckin' do.." At this, Izuku perked up.

"T-Thank you so much, Kacchan!"


Izuku quickly scampered out the dorm room. Turning his head, he was met with crimson eyes withholding an unreadable expression.

"You better not be keeping any secrets from me anymore," Katsuki threatened, "Or you'll get beaten up for it! You hear me, Deku?!"

"L-l-loud and c-c-clear!"

The door shut in his face, and despite the odd threat the pomeranian had gifted him with, Izuku smiled in relief.

At least everything was going to be alright.

It has been a few days since Izuku left the house and Y/N could immediately confirm that she was getting lonely without the boy accompanying her.

Don't get her wrong. Inko was great company, but it wasn't the same without having someone to tease or having someone's hand she could hold on to without being embarrassed.

She was currently washing the dishes as it was after dinnertime in the house. Inko had gone on a shopping spree as the local mall had a discount night (which she wouldn't miss for anything the world). Suddenly Y/N thought about Izuku's reaction to his mother coming home with bags of clothes and groceries, all with a sweet smile on her face.

It's no doubt Izuku would have a heart attack at the sight, she giggled.

Suddenly, someone knocked the door.

'Could it be Inko-san?' the H/Cette wondered, edging towards the door, 'It's still early. It's not quite dark yet.'

"Inko-san! You're back-" The girl was cut off with a chop to the artery on her neck, cutting off a portion of the air sifting through her veins and causing black spots to invade her vision.

The last thing Y/N saw was a pair of icy eyes staring straight into her before she blacked out.

√ 𝐃𝐈𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 ; 𝐈. 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐘𝐀Where stories live. Discover now