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arctic monkeys - fluorescent adolescent

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00:08 ------●---------------------------------- 03:15

The carriage rolled through the village smoothly as they headed for the outskirts of town

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The carriage rolled through the village smoothly as they headed for the outskirts of town. Y/N smiled at the townspeople who waved at her from their shops or the children who ran along with the carriage.

Asking the driver to stop for a moment, she quickly slipped out and bought some apples from a nearby fruit stand.

As she was about to step inside the carriage back again, she saw a small child holding a toy sword to his chest while some boys- who were bigger and older than he was- jeered at him. One tried to pry the sword from his chest, as the little boy fought to keep his precious toy close to him.

Y/N cautiously walked over towards them. Sensing her approach, the boys looked over in her direction ready to shoo her off, only to bow with shock as they saw the Princess of Musutafu Kingdom looking at them in disappointment.

"Don't bother him anymore please. As he is younger than you, you ought to play with him, not take away his most precious thing."

Activating her Quirk- which was the same as her mother's- she released out an aura of calm and dominance, which both calmed down the boys and made them shiver under her very presence.

"Y-yes, Your Highness!" The boys stuttered and left the child to his own devices. The child looked up at her with a big smile,

"Thank you, Princess Y/N!"

She smiled gently, patting his head.

"You're welcome. Now run along."

The princess quickly left the place, slipping inside the carriage and giving her driver the signal. With a neigh, the horses began to trot away.

Soon, the city was no more than small rectangular shapes and speckles that resembled buildings far off in the distance.

"No turning back now," she said aloud as she lay in the carriage, wrapped up in her blanket. Dark clouds overhead began to form a light drizzle as the meadows grew greener with the heaven's soft tears.

But the meadows merely passed, and soon they were at the mountain ridge where the nearby stream of Musutafu flows into the wide river of Mominigaoka.

The rain had gotten heavier and heavier. Then suddenly, the whistling of wind caught her ears. The skirt of her jūnihitoe flew in wild motion with the wind. Soon, her blanket did too.

"Sir Guyan! What is happening?!" She shouted, hoping to be heard over the heavy rain.

"It seems like the weather is worsening, Princess!" The coachman replied while his partner struggled to keep the reigns on the horses, "but this wind! It's propelling us forward!"

The girl dared to look outside the window. Her heart stopped for a milisecond and she paled.

A swirling portal was ahead of them, a few meters at most.

'It must be the work of a teleportation villain.'

E/C orbs narrowed furiously. She opened her katana case, brandishing out her steel sword. Her Quirk was powerful, but it was in no means used for fighting.

'Damn Quirk. Why'd it have to be something useless in combat?!'

She looked outside the window again, scanning the mountains for any person that might be the suspect. She looked out the other window too.

But there was none.

"Do you see anyone up ahead, Sir?!" No reply, "Sir?!"

She looked at the driver's seat.

They were gone, and so were the horses.

Then what was pulling the carriage towards the portal?

Y/N was frozen in horror once the wind picked up again, seemingly picking up her carriage in the process.

The portal was getting closer.

She tried to unlock the windows and door but it was jammed shut. She tried to slice a hole through the carriage walls, roof or floor, but it was no use. Her sword wouldn't go through, for strong materials held the carriage together.

Clasping her katana in her right hand and her grandmother's charm in the other, she sobbed.

'Father, Mother, my dear brothers. Dear Lee, my dearest Lili, my friends. Prince Ren, my people. How will I live to see you again?'

She prayed, hoping the gods would grant her family and people safety, and prayed it would help her get through this thing.

Hopefully, it would send her in a nearby village or even a damn villain camp just as long as she can land safely and alive, of course.

The portal was closer now, and she could see the millions of galaxies and stars swirling in its midst.

Bracing herself, she closed her eyes as the portal sulked the carriage, with the girl still inside.

'No turning back now,' she thought again.

"Guide me, great gods."

Y/N said aloud, and soon her vision darkened behind her closed lids. Although the hands that held her katana and charm remained in her tight grip.

She had fallen in deep sleep.

The portal suddenly closed. The rain suddenly stopped, and the greens of the mountain shone under the sun. The stream of Musutafu continued to flow lightly into the wide river of Mominigaoka.

Somewhere nearby, an unsuspecting farmer would wonder why the rain had suddenly stopped on its job of watering the crops he had grown and had the sun shine on the plants instead.

√ 𝐃𝐈𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 ; 𝐈. 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐘𝐀Where stories live. Discover now