Chapter 30: Kacchan, Deku, And Aho

Start from the beginning

Uraraka's eyes widened at Izumina's sudden change in demeanour. One never would've been able to tell she had been crying only moments before. Uraraka still didn't understand why Izumina had shed tears after such a small exchange of insult between Bakugou and Deku. The whole relationship between the three of them must run deeper than she'd initially thought...

Suddenly Izumina thrust out her hand, causing Uraraka to stop behind her. Izumina analyzed the corner, certain that this was where she'd come from. Uraraka peeked past Izumina's arm and into the room. "We found it," she whispered, her eyebrows knitting into a look of determination.

Izumina nodded, stepping away from the corner to put a little more distance between Iida and them.

"Now we just have to tell Deku and hide until he gets here," Uraraka reasoned.

Izumina shook her head disapprovingly. "Kacchan is powerful. He'll put up a hard fight. I don't think we should wait for Deku to do this. With the limited time we have, it'd be too risky."

"Well, what should we do," Uraraka asked.

Izumina scratched her chin. "I'm supposed to be a hostage... Technically, I am on the hero team; however, All Might didn't give me any capture tape, so I won't be able to demobilize Iida. Additionally, I started this training tied to the bomb, so it will mean nothing if I get to it. To recover the bomb successfully, I think you'll have to do it, Uraraka."

Uraraka gulped nervously. "So, I'll have to stop Iida, and recover the bomb?"

"Not necessarily," Izumina smiled supportively. "I may not be able to demobilize Iida, but I can keep him preoccupied. With my teleportation I may be able to catch him off guard, but with his engines, it'll be tricky to keep him in one spot." Izumina was about to propose a possible plan, but before she could she heard Iida's voice. She placed a finger over her lips and gestured for Uraraka to glance into the room with her.

As the two girls peeked around the corner they caught Iida talking to himself.

"Bakugou is a natural at being bad, but that fits this training perfectly." Iida huffed, humming as though he'd realized something. "Then I must also devote myself to being a villain. That's right. This is another trial to turn me into a man who will not bring shame to the Iida family. Become a villain... Be dyed with evil in order to become a hero!"

Izumina raised an eyebrow curiously as she watched Iida stare at the floor intensely. Then she struggled to stay quiet as he turned away from the floor. Even with a helmet on, Izumina could sense the wide-eyed, evil expression he wore.

"I am... extremely evil," Iida exclaimed, laughing maniacally like a stereotypical cartoon villain.

Izumina and Uraraka had to duck away from the corner quickly as both of them struggled to stifle their laughter. Uraraka spat into her hands as Izumina tried to shush her through the suppression of her own giggles. Luckily for both the girls, Iida was too busy getting into his role and practicing his evil laugh to notice them.

"He's taking this so seriously," Uraraka choked, trying her best to stay quiet but ultimately failing. Izumina burst out laughing.

Iida turned on his heels towards the entrance, immediately halting his evil laughter. "Have you arrived, Uraraka?"

Uraraka gasped before awkwardly rounding the corner and exposing herself. Izumina sighed, knowing that now there was no point in hiding their presence.

"Ah, Yūsha. I knew you'd tell the heroes where we were as soon as you'd managed to escape. Though I must admit, I'm shocked you didn't get into any altercations with Bakugou, considering he'd known of your escape."

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