Chapter 37: Growing Tension

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It didn't last long. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds. Though, to Izumina, it felt like she'd been falling for an eternity. She felt the hand on the back of her head pull away before a loud crackling sound filled the air around them. Izumina opened her eyes just as she and the boy landed harshly on a slope of ice. She felt the back of her head thump against the cold surface beneath her, causing her vision to blur slightly as she and the boy slid down the ice structure.

Izumina's hip hit a rock where the ice merged with the ground, causing her and the boy to be thrown forwards and begin tumbling down the rocky mountain. One particularly jagged rock managed to scrape Izumina's knee as she dug her feet into the ground, hoping to stop their descent before they fell off the cliff. They stopped, Izumina's calf spasming painfully as the momentum of the fall finally ceased.

She let out a groan as she rubbed her head. The feeling of dirt and rubble against her back gave her some fleeting sense of stability as she blinked away the fuzziness in her eyes. "O-ow..." Izumina muttered as her vision faded back into focus. Her breath hitched slightly as she realized what position she and the boy had landed in. "Todoroki," she exclaimed as she felt her face heat up.

Todoroki hovered on top of her, propping himself up with his hands on the ground by both sides of her head. He straddled her hips, as though he'd just barely been able to stop himself from crushing her with his full body weight. He too was blushing a bright shade of red, rivalling that of his hair colour, as he stared down at Izumina.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Todoroki opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself as his gaze shot to the side. "Thugs," he stated, hoisting himself off of Izumina and onto one knee.

Without thinking, Izumina shot her hand towards the approaching villains with splayed fingers. She clenched her fist and felt the muscles in her arm tighten as she erected a wall of earth and rocks. Just then, a blast of ice slammed into her wall before shattering and sending small shards of icicles back at them. Izumina clenched her eyes shut as she felt the cold particles rain down on her, not sharp enough to cause any real damage.

"I had that," Todoroki said in frustration as he stood and stepped towards the wall.

"Sorry, I acted on impulse." Izumina flinched as she rolled to her side. "At least we have a minute or so to gather our thoughts."

Todoroki huffed as he eyed the wall of earth.

"That guy seemed to use warps, or portals of some sort to separate us from the rest of the class. I can only assume that's his quirk." Izumina paused as her leg spasmed. 'Shit, I must've pulled a muscle in my calf or something. My ankles feel a little swollen, I might've twisted 'em, and my knee really hurts.'

"Those villains could break down that wall any second," Todoroki stated, in his usual deadpanned tone. "Are you going to stand up or have you made yourself comfortable?"

Izumina glared daggers in his direction, as she struggled to get herself onto one knee. She wobbled slightly before using her quirk to flicker onto her feet. "You're welcome for the wall, and no, I just hurt my leg."

Todoroki's eyes softened slightly. "Will you be able to walk?"

Izumina took an unstable step forward. "I'll be fine. I heal fast."

Todoroki nodded. "Good. It'd only be trouble for me if you couldn't. I don't need any liabilities."

"Now wait just a minute-" Izumina fumed. "It was your ice-slide-of-death that nearly hurtled us off the side of a freaking mountain."

"You're welcome," Todoroki stated mockingly, refusing to meet Izumina's eyes.

Izumina was about to retort, but instead, she took a deep breath. "You're right... I'm sorry. What I said was uncalled for."

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