The Aftermath

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After the intense fight between Dhark,Merlyn and Thawne,most of them were injured. Oliver had a concussion and a sprained ankle,Sara had fractured ribs and quite deep cuts that needed stitching,many people had bruises and cuts. Even though they all got injured it was quite worth it since they got to break Damien's leg,punch Malcolm in the face so that it looks like a swollen tomato.Felicity found out that the tablet mixed with whatever that particle it was that made flash run( forgot the name) could make it call the past or future so they called the future flash to help them go to the future
Sorry I know that felt really rushed but I wanted to end this book as quickly as possible.I lost motivation for this story and I wrote this chapter literally in the middle of a class. Thank you for being with me for this time I wrote this book.

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