#9|Harry| Sick Cuddles

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| your age: 18|
| Harry's age: 20 |
| y/n- your name |
| summary: Harry gets sick and all he wants is cuddles but he doesn't want to get you sick |

Y/n POV:

Harry hasn't called me all day it's now 3 in the afternoon I didn't get a good morning text or call or anything so I decided to go to his house

On the way there I thought I'd stop and get some stuff for me and him, I ended up getting his favorite chocolates and I got my self a drink and some chips.

Once I got to his house I saw his mother walking out

" hey Anne " I said walking up to her as she hugged me

" hey how are you " she asked as I replied " great, but is Harry alright I haven't heard from him all day " I said as she 'oohed'

" he's sick I came over brought him some soup and stuff to help him feel better, he's just been sleeping all day " she said as I nodded we both talked for a bit before she left I entered the house

I walked up to Harry's room and saw him sitting there eating soup looking miserable

I knocked on the door and he sat there looking up and me pouting looking like he was about to cry

" im sorry " he said tiredly

" for what " I said putting my bag down on the floor by the door

" I didn't get to text or call you, I'm tried but I just felt terrible " he said with a tear running down his cheek " being sick sucks, I don't want to be sick " he said sniffling wiping the stray tear

" aww Harry don't cry " I said walking towards him until he stopped me

" I don't want you to get you sick " he said wiping his tears and sniffling

" it's fine then you get to take care of me " I said smiling as he let out a quiet laugh and shook his head

" I want cuddles " he said pouting
as I walked towards be he stopped me again

" but your gonna get sick " he said as I laughed " I don't care " I said as reached out for me "ok cuddles" he said smiling but stopped me again " Harry " I said throwing my head back

" I'm sorry I'm sorry but are you sure your okay with getting sick because of me " he said pouting as I didn't even answer I walked up to him and cuddled him

" I missed your cuddle " he said as I giggled and played with his hair

" ya know I brought your favorite chocolate " I said as he perked up

" really " he said like a child as I kissed his cheek and got up to get it, I also brought my drink

I gave him his chocolate and went back to cuddling him, I took a sip of my drink before I saw him staring at it then at me and back at my drink

" would you like some Haz " I said as he blushed and nodded

" have it " I said handing it to him and he smiled " I love you " he said as i pecked his lips " I love you more " I said as he drank some and put it on his nightstand table and went back to cuddle me with his arms wrapped around my torso and his head on my chest.

" let's cuddle all day " he said tiredly and I continued to play with his hair

" all day until I have to go home, sure " I said as he whined

" stay with me please stay the night " he begged and gave me a pouting look

"you can even sleep in my clothes" he said and that was quite enough for me

" ok fine just because your cute and I love you " I said as he added " and because of my clothes "

I didn't say anything and playfully rolled my eyes as we continued to cuddle and sleep for the remainder of the day

Niall and Harry Imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें