#14|Niall| Late Arguments

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~| your age: 25|~
~|Niall's age: 27|~
~| Niall comes home late and you think he's cheating on you until you find out the truth, |~

Y/n Pov:

It was 10:30pm, and I've got a text from Niall

Niall: don't wait up to long I'll be home late again, I'm sorry and I love you so so much -

I read the text and immediately knew something was going on, I wanted to keep the thought of him cheating out me out of my mind but I honestly didn't know what to think, it was now Friday and I had a whole movie planned set up for tonight, but I guess I'll be alone, like I've been this whole week!

I didn't care, I waited up for him and he didn't get home until 12:45 in the morning, he didn't seem to notice me on the couch until the living room lights turned on,

" y/n, babe, I told you not to wait up " he said a little suspiciously as I shook my head, " well I'm sorry I was just worried about you " I said firing back as he raised an eyebrow

" what? " was all he said before I scoffed, " I had a whole movie night planned for us, snacks drinks everything, and you stayed out late doing god knows what! " I said raising my voice as he soon then got defensive

" alright im sorry if I would have known I would have came " he said as I shook my head

" let me ask you this " I said as he just stared at me " are you cheating on me Niall Horan " i said as his jaw dropped

" why would you think that, you know I only love you, why would you even ask that " he said getting defensive

" Niall you have done nothing but stay out late this whole week, do you not care about how I feel " I said getting angrier and feeling my face heat up

" the world doesn't revolve around you, it's not my fault your to clingy and to attached " he shouted but then slapped his hand over his mouth " clingy " i repeated as he stepped forward shaking his head, his mouth was ready to say something but no words came out

I just shook my head letting my tears fall onto my cheek as I ran up the stairs with Niall chasing after me, I quickly got in the room and slammed the door, letting out all my emotions

" please, y/n don't cry, I didn't mean it like that, princess, please open the door " he said put I continued crying, I grabbed a pillow grabbed a blanket and a tshirt for him, and I threw it at him " dont " was all I said when I saw him walking towards me, I slammed the door and threw myself on the bed crying my eyes out

I didn't like when we had stupid little fights and I didn't like sleeping without Niall, it was so lonely, I felt bad for making him sleep on the couch but he deserved it!

Niall Pov:

I went downstairs and laid myself on the couch after changing into my tshirt and leaving myself in boxers, I quickly called Liam and thank god he answered

L- Liam /\ N- Niall

L- hey Ni, everything alright? Did you leave something in my car

N- hey, and no but y/n and i just had a little fight about why I've been staying out late, and I can't tell her but she thinks I'm cheating on her

L- well maybe you should just tell her

N- but that would ruin everything Liam, can you just tell her for me but like tell her without tell her

L- so tell her your not cheating but it's just something you can't talk about!

N- yes please

L- alright fine, bye!

N- bye-

Liam Pov:

I quickly hung up and when to
y/n's contact and texted her

Y- You /\ L- Liam

L- listen I know you think Niall has been cheating on you but i promise it's not that

Y- It's late for this I don't want to talk about this right now

L- please just let me explain, I've been with him this whole week and he's been asking me for help with something

Y- like what

L- since your birthday is this Monday, he wanted to make you a song so he asked me for help

L- please don't tell him I told you and delete these messages so he doesn't see okay thanks goodnight hope everything ends well with you guys

I felt like sh*t I made him sleep on the couch, after he was doing such a nice thing for me, I'm such a bad girlfriend, I quickly rushed downstairs to see him half asleep on the couching laying down

I sat in front of him and gave his face little kisses, going from his forehead to his nose to his left cheek to his right cheek and too his chin, lastly his lips, " I'm sorry" I whispered as he slowly got up " what? " he groaned as i pouted

" I'm really sorry Ni, please come way with me, I wasn't being to understand, I didn't let you explain and now I feel horrible " I said as he smiled and kissed my pouted lips " I love you, and only you, I don't want you thinking I'd do anything to hurt you, " he said as I nodded and he carried me back to our room,

" I love you horan " I said as he smiled pecking my lips once more " I love you too my queen " I said making her blush and hid her face in my neck.

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