#3|Harry| New Daddy

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| Your age: 20 |
| Harry's age: 21 |
| y/n- your name |
|y/f/n- your friends name|
| summary: you wake up with morning sickness and decide to take a pregnancy test |

Y/n POV:

It was Saturday morning and I woke up to my stomachs hurting, I looked over to Harry and saw him still sleeping peacefully, I looked over to the clock to see it was 10:58am, I tried getting up but I felt the urge to puke so I quickly ran to the bathroom and of course threw up

I felt like absolute trash which was werid because I was fine yesturday? Was I sick or was I...pregnant!

Let's just say me and Harry had fun last night and I dont think he was wearing a condom!

My thoughts got interrupted by me throwing up again just this time somebody holding my hair back

" are you ok, why didn't you wake me up " Harry asked rubbing my back and holding my hair up

" I don't know, " I said throwing up again

" do you feel like your gonna throw up again " he asked as I shook my head

He helped me up and brought me to the sink to wash my mouth and get the bad taste of vomit out then carried me back to the bed

" Harry don't you have to go into the studio today " I asked as he cuddled into me

" well I can't leave you here throwing up probably being sick " he said holding me close

" I'll be fine, you know what I'll even call y/f/n to come stay with me " I said playing with his curly hair

" are you sure " he asked looking up at me

" yes Haz I'm sure " I said leaning down to kiss his forehead.

" alright fine but I'm not leaving until y/f/n gets here " he said getting in overprotective mode and getting dressed.

When he went to go brush his teeth I texted y/f/n

Y/n -  I need you to come over right now please, bring some snacks and drinks...and a pregnancy test
Y/f/n - A WHAT!! Y/n omg no way
Y/n - please just hurry
Y/f/n - I'm on my way

As soon I finished texting y/f/n Harry came out and asked if he could make a comfy little bed in the living room to watch tv and relax, of course i said yes and thanked him for being so caring

I watched and smiled as he made the couch look very comfortable and fluff the pillows.

" here you lay down and get set " he said pecking my lips and leading me to the couch tucking me in

As he flipped through channels the doorbell rang and it was y/f/n

" hello Harry where's y/n " she's on the couch but I have to go so please take good care of her "

"LOVE YOU Y/N " I said shouting from the front door rushing out

Y/n POV:

Niall and Harry Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt