The Real World

Sam was sitting on the bed next to his unconscious brother. Cas was standing by the table with his eyes closed.

"Cas, what are we gonna do?" Sam asked, at that moment Dean started twisting and turning as if he was having a nightmare. Cas opened his eyes to look at the poor boy he loved.

"What's going on?" Cas asked, not understanding what was happening.

"I think he's having a nightmare or something" Sam replied, when the boys were younger, Sam used to be the one to get nightmares all the time. When he did, Dean reached his arm out to hold Sam's hand to tell him he was alright. Before Sam could even try to comfort his brother, Cas took Dean's hand. Dean squeezed Cas's hand lightly as he slept, he stopped twisting and turning and went back to sleeping peacefully.

"We need to figure out what happened. This isn't normal one bit" Sam said looking up at Cas. "But then again, when are our lives boring?"

Cas nodded, looking at the sleeping Dean. Sam stood up and went to the table, he started typing things into his computer.

"C-Cas...why..." Dean mumbled in his sleep.

Dean's Dream World

Cas continued to talk down to Dean, Dean was sitting on the floor covering his ears. He felt like glass, fragile. This felt like it was going on for hours until he felt something in his hand but nothing was there..Cas was being drowned out as Dean focused on his hand.

"I'm here, Dean." Was all he heard from Cas before everything went silent.

"Cas?!" He called out, Cas was gone, but Dean hoped it hadn't been the real Cas...

Dean stood back up, he hadn't even realized he was on the floor hugging his knees.

"Godammit.." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"He was right you know." He looked to see himself in front of him.

"That wasn't Cas. He was wrong." Dean said crossing his arms.

"Was he though?" The other Dean asked.

"H-he was. He was wrong." He asked, he knew none of this was real.

"You think this is all fake, that it's all in your head? Even Angels lie, Dean. This is all real."

"That's not true. This can't be real. That's impossible"

"That's what people say about ghosts, and vampires. And demons." The other dean laughed as he spoke.

"Sam and Cas are going to find a way to get me out of wherever I am.."

"They can try. But they don't care. They're both glad you're sleeping forever." The other Dean disappeared.

"They're going to get me out of this...they will..."

The Real World

Sam and Cas had been doing research for around an hour, neither finding anything until...

"I think I found something, Cas" Sam aloud.

"What did you find?" Cas asked.

"A few years ago this guy named Allen Clark went into a coma after visiting the abandoned warehouse we visited last night. I think the same thing happened to Dean" Sam replied.

"Did he ever wake up?" Cas nervously asked.

"No, but the same thing happened to a girl named Laura Kalana, and she did wake up after her boyfriend kissed her forehead. It seems to be a sleeping beauty situation" Sam said.

"A sleeping beauty situation?" Cas didn't know what that meant.

"He's asleep until he gets true loves kiss" Sam explained.

"Who will he get true loves kiss from?" Cas asked

Dean's Dream World

Dean was pacing around his room, wondering how long he had been there. It felt like he had been there for weeks, the people he loved kept appearing in front of him and telling him how much of a disappointment he was. He tried not to listen to the words that stabbed through him, he just thought about his beautiful angel..

His family had been appearing and leaving but all he could here is Cas's voice telling him 'You'll get through this..' That's what kept him going. Castiel telling him he can get through this.

"Cas...can you hear me?" Dean called out, but of course he heard no response..he had been trying to call out to him everyday but Cas can't hear him. Wherever he was...all he worried about was that if Cas and Sam were safe. He didn't care if he was going to die there or be there forever he just care about his family.

The Real World

"It's obviously not me, I'm his brother. So I think it's you" Sam suggested.

"Me? Why would he love me?" Cas asked.

"You did say you have a unusual bond" Sam replied.

"He's not gay though, I've seen him flirt with women before" Cas said as he sat down by Dean.

"He's Bi, Cas. He likes men and women" Sam chuckled.

Cas looked at Dean, his cheeks flushed pink.

"You going to let him sleep forever? Or kiss him?" Sam asked.

Cas sat on Deans bed, nervous that this wouldn't work.

"Dean...wake up..." He bent down and kissed Dean on the lips.

Immediately he saw Dean on the ground hugging his knees.

"Dean!" Cas yelled aloud.

"C-Cas? Is that really you?" Dean asked.

"It's me..Take my hand and let's get out of here!" Cas yelled out to him, Dean stood up and grabbed Cas's hand.

The two opened their eyes to see they were back in the motel. Cas backed up a bit as Dean sat up quickly, he was partly panicked.

"Dean!" Sam stood up from the table.

"Sam..Cas.."Dean looked at both of them..Dean took a shaky breath.

"Are you alright, Dean?" Cas asked. Dean just hugged him.

"That was all fake, right?" Dean asked. Cas nodded and hugged him back.

"Yes. It was, it's alright..." Cas replied holding his lover tightly.

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