Sherlock pays a visit

Start from the beginning

"It's entirely obvious what happened here, they were dealing hard drugs and got murdered by one of their customers" Sherlock says glaring at Anderson,

"Sherlock, these kids were barely even in college I highly doubt that they could've been-" Greg gets cut off by sherlock sighing and pointing to the small table in the middle of the room,

"check the table if you don't believe me" Sherlock says and Greg does just that, he bends down, wincing ever so slightly as he does so due to the slight soreness in his muscles from earlier, and sure enough there are small hinges on the side of the table, he gently lifts the top of it to revival several large bags full of what he was almost certain was cocaine,

"well you're right about the drugs but what about the killer?" Greg asks and Sherlock rolls his eyes,

"do I really have to spell it out for you Jeff? Their wallets are gone,there's surprisingly little money in here for it being the home of a group of dealers, need I say more?" Sherlock asks as he steps out of the apartment and Greg puts it together,

"Check all the closest abandoned buildings/hot spots for drug users, he can't have gotten too far" He says to Donovan as he starts to dial his phone to get reinforcements to help the search as they head downstairs.

The next hour is spent searching every abandoned building within a 2 mile radius, luckily enough they found the killer in the 13th house they searched, it wasn't hard to tell that he was the killer. He still had the knife and was covered in blood even though he had plenty of time to wash it off, surprising everyone he was pretty easy to arrest.

When Greg gets to New Scotland Yard he books the killer before an uniformed officer takes him into a cell. Greg heads into his office to start on the paperwork for the case it was surprisingly simple so he should be able to blast through the paperwork pretty easily, meaning he can get back to mycs place sooner. When he gets into his office Johns sitting at Greg's desk a half drunk cup of coffee in his hand. He smiles warmly at Greg, who smiles back and tilts his head slightly

"Hey John, whatcha doin here?" he asks and John laughs slightly,

"I was getting Sherlocks paperwork done,-" Greg rolls his eyes at this, he's told John that he can't do that but that's the only way that it gets done since Sherlock finds it "too tedious" to repeat himself. John smiles at this "-and I figured i'd invite you out for a pint"

Greg smiles at this, john had been one of the only people who spent time with him out of friendship and not pitty after the divorce. Deciding that that paperwork can wait until Monday, Greg says "Sounds great" as he walks right back out the door, holding it open for John, who chuckles and follows him through the door.

The pub is surprisingly empty for it being 3 pm on a Saturday, so they are able to grab two seats at the bar,

"Man it's been awhile hasn't it?" John says as greg sits down,

"Oh yea, I kinda missed doing this" Greg says with a light chuckle, as the bartender walks up to them, he's a fit young man, Greg would guess around 23, with a an almost skintight button up and tight dark pants,

"what can I getcha?" the man asks as he picks up two glasses, looking John and Greg with a smile, they both order a pint of beer, the bartender nods and quickly starts to make their drinks.

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