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Veronica's POV

JD drove us back to that supermarket and had me stay in the car, doors locked, as he called Bud Dean. The windows were rolled up so I could hardly hear any of the words they were saying. I tried to listen closely to JD rattling off the address for his father by pressing my ear to the window but JD noticed me and banged his fist against it. Instinctively, I yanked my head away from the glass.

"Stop fucking eavesdropping!" He shouted, his voice still muffled by the glass. I curled into myself, knowing I was in for it when he got back in the car.

But I had one piece of knowledge on where I am - Nevada.

Unsurprisingly, JD was pissed when he got back in the car. He pulled my head up and smashed it against the glass of my own window. 

"JD, you're hurting me." I told him, hoping it was enough to make him stop. It wasn't.

"What were you listening to my conversation for?" He demanded to know, keeping my head against the glass. I prayed for someone to walk by and see this, to help me, but no one came.

"I was just trying to make sure you were okay. You sounded mad." I lied, managing to come up with something on the spot.

"You're a filthy fucking liar. You were trying to hear the address so you know where we are." JD said, calling my bluff. "Did you hear it?" He asked, pushing my face harder into the window.

"I only heard the state." I answered, knowing that he'd be able to tell if I lied again. If I lied, my punishment would be worse. It's kind of like being a kid again, if you tell the truth you'll be in less trouble.

JD yanked my hair to pull me off of the window as he ripped open the center console. Inside of it was some cigarettes, an unlabeled bottle and a rag. As JD began to pour the liquid onto the rag, I seized my opportunity, opening the door and beginning to run towards the store.


"Motherfucker!" I cursed loudly, shoving the door open and beginning to sprint after Veronica, who had started to head towards the store in hopes of getting help.

Within seconds, I caught up to her and grabbed a fistful of her hair to grab her. I began to lead her back to the car and expected her to follow but she didn't. Instead, she opened her mouth and screamed.

"Somebody help me!" She shrieked, pure fear rattling her voice. I threw her downwards onto the ground and pulled the chloroform-soaked rag out of my pocket, pressing it roughly into her face. Veronica kicked her legs as she tried to hold her breath, tried to pry my hand and the rag off of her face. But eventually, she had to breathe. And once she opened her mouth to get oxygen to her burning lungs, she was greeted with that familiar sweet scent that put her to sleep.

As Veronica's body fell limp with sleep, I shoved the rag back into my pocket and lifted her up. I carried her back to the car quickly and threw her into the backseat. I got into the front and began to drive back home.

I was filled with nothing but anger as I drove back, furious that I had to leave this place that was perfectly in the middle of fucking nowhere because she can't mind her damn business. Once we were home, I locked Veronica into that cold room as I packed everything up again. I made numerous trips outside to put it all into the car. Once I was done, which was fast due to experience, I went to retrieve Veronica, who was still asleep.

I gave her a good kick in the head, hoping that a concussion would keep her asleep longer. I began the eight hour drive to Utah, knowing a place I could go again. Utah was empty, just like Nevada.

But this time, I won't make the mistake of letting Veronica out of the damn house.

meant to be yours // heathers au // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now