10 - Emergency Calls

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"Why?" You asked as he looped the stocking around your neck.

Jacob shrugged. "He'll never make you happy."

You rose one hand and placed it on Jacob's wrist, stopping the slow tightening of the noose around your throat. "It doesn't have to be like this."

Jacob looked down at you once more, before smiling kindly. "I wish I could agree, but this is the only way."

Before you could react, he yanked one end of the nylon, tightening it completely against your throat. You struggled to pull it away, to return the oxygen to your lungs, but Jacob's grip on the stocking was too tight, and black spots began to taint your vision. Slowly slumping against the couch, your vision was fading. All of a sudden, a loud noise brought you back to consciousness for a split second. It sounded like a firework went off in the middle of the room, followed by the splintering sound of glass shattering. You began to drift off again, feeling quite tired. As you slipped back into unconsciousness, you clawed once more at the stocking around your neck. This was it.

--------------- Spencer's POV ---------------

Spencer's heart tightened as Jacob led Y/N out of the room. He'd tried to stop it, but Y/N was too compassionate. There's no way she'd do anything to try and stop Jacob, in fear of endangering Spencer or the rest of the team. The second the door clicked shut, Spencer's body went into autopilot. He could hear the unsub saying something to him through the door, but he completely toned him out. Spencer pulled the phone out from its hiding place and hit the #1, speed dialing Hotch.

"Hotch?" He said frantically as the clicking sound of someone answering on the other line was made. "He's got her. He's here and he's got Y/N."

"We're on our way in," Hotch said urgently, Spencer could hear the commotion of the team getting ready on the other end of the phone. "Don't do anything stupid."

Spencer hung up and stepped to the door. Jacob had wedged a wooden block under the door, but Spencer used a pencil from his bag to push it out from under the door. He stepped quietly out into the living room.

"This is the only way." Spencer heard Jacob say from the living room, followed by a strange choking sound. The room came into view and Spencer could see Jacob standing over Y/N, blocking her from his vision. He noticed the gun sitting on the coffee table. Without thinking, Spencer lunged for it, the noise startling Jacob. He turned and reached for it as well, but it was already in Spencer's grasp. Jacob's eyes widened as Spencer pulled the trigger, striking him in the stomach. Jacob stumbled once before falling against the coffee table, breaking the glass surface as he landed. Spencer dropped the gun and rushed to Y/N, earning a foot full of broken glass.

"Y/N?" He said frantically, pulling the stocking away from her throat. "Y/N, can you hear me?" Spencer pulled her into a laying position. He interlaced his fingers and placed his palms over her chest.

"One, two, three, four." He grunted, forcing his hands down in a rhythm, trying to revive her. Removing his hands, he pinched her nose and placed his mouth on hers, pushing air down into her lungs.

As he continued this pattern, the front door was busted open, and in ran Hotch, Prentiss, and Morgan.

"Medic, now!" Spencer yelled, not stopping his attempts to save her. Hotch radioed the arriving ambulance as Prentiss kneeled next to the unsub.

"Is he dead?" She asked, resting her two fingers against his throat.

"I think so," Spencer said before leaning down to try and give her body the oxygen it needed. "Come on," he mumbled quietly, almost to himself. "Come back, you can do it."

"Spencer, do you need medical attention too?" Hotch asked, watching Spencer perform CPR.

"No, I'm fine. It's just her."

The medics arrived, and Hotch had to pull Spencer off of Y/N in order for her to be loaded up into the ambulance. Spencer watched as the medics pulled her off of the couch and onto a stretcher, placing an oxygen pump over her mouth hand rushing her out the door. He moved to follow, but Hotch stopped him.

"Prentiss, ride in the ambulance with Y/N, Spencer and I need to go over a few things, we'll meet you there." She nodded once and left the room.

"Hotch, we've gotta go," Spencer said, rushing out of the apartment.

Hotch followed behind him. "Spencer, she's going to be okay."

"What if I was too late?" Spencer asked, voice cracking.

"You weren't," Hotch said, trying to comfort Spencer. "She's going to be fine."

They climbed into the car and pulled out behind the ambulance, following ut with the sirens on. Hotch called the rest of the team, letting them know the unsub was gone, and that they needed to get to the hospital. Luckily, the apartment chosen was a few miles from the hospital, so they made it there in five minutes. Hotch pulled the SUV into the emergency parking, and as he did, another SUV followed. Everyone rushed into the hospital lobby, where they were led to the trauma unit. Hotch stood by the counter, speaking in a hushed tone to the nurses as the rest of the team took seats in the waiting room. Prentiss walked in from a separate door, just having left Y/N. She stepped up to the nurses' station with Hotch.

"You okay, Reid?" Morgan asked, sitting next to his friend.

Spener nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay, just worried about her."

Morgan looked at Spencer carefully, not wanting to push too hard. "What happened?"

As Spencer began to speak, the rest of the team turned to listen. "He woke us up, I thought it was you." Spencer nodded towards Morgan. "Coming to warn us about a shift change or something. When I opened the door, he pushed me back inside. I tried getting him to leave, but he had a gun. He walked me back to Y/N, and then he paced around the room for a long time, just talking to himself. After a while, he took her out to the living room and that's when I called Hotch." Spencer looked down after finishing his story, stopping the team from asking any more questions. The team returned to the tense silence they'd filled the waiting room with before.

Rossi left for a moment, returning with a tray of coffees from the hospital cafe. The team sat in silence for a while, waiting for any word on Y/N's health. Spencer watched as Prentiss and Hotch by the nurses' table, and his nerves tensed as they followed a nurse out of the waiting room. He wanted to know what was going on if she was okay, but no one here would answer his questions. After a few more minutes, Hotch returned.

"She's awake. She's a little out of it, still coming in and out of consciousness, but she'll be okay. They said we can see her." The team stood quickly, everyone but Spencer leaving to check on their friend. "Is everything okay?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah, I just don't want to overwhelm her."

"Well, you should probably get in there. She's been asking for you."

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