Chapter Two: A Journey Begins

Start from the beginning

The elf looked around to make sure she was alone and wasn't followed. She breathed a sigh as she sat down on a nearby fallen tree log. She looked to the little baby in her arms, and she breathed a sigh.

"Well, looks like I'll have to take care of you until I can think of what to do with you." The elf said to the little baby, holding it close to her. "I just hope that your real mother and father are alright, and they got away."

"And what might you have there, Madeline?" A calm woman's voice spoke up, getting the elf's attention, as she looked over to see a woman climbing down from the top of the bioluminescent tree.

The woman looks to be in her mid-30's, with whitish pale skin, her sclera being black while her pupils are a bright bioluminescent blue, and her bright white hair is short and curly, reaching to her jawline. She has a 7ft tall height and form, with curvy thighs and hips, while he has an above-average size chest. She has a set of four large wings that sweep or drag behind her body when they're not extended. Her wings are patterned with black, orange, yellow and blue colours, and they possess prominent eye patterns. Her attire looks to be that of an exotic goddess, while showing off a portion of her thighs, hips, as well as her shoulders, and she has a pair of black shoes.

"Hello, Mosura

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"Hello, Mosura. I did not expect you to be back so soon." The elf, who's name was Madeline, greeted to the butterfly-like humanoid.

"I had to make a quick stop to meet someone." Mosura said to Madeline. She then walked up to the elf, now noticing the bundled-up blanket in her arms. "Wait. Where did you find that?" She asked.

"He was in the remains of a tent that was crushed by a T-Rex. It must've scared the whole herd and families that were over by the lagoon." Madeline explained. She then carefully passed the baby over to Mosura. "He must only be 2 years old, by my guess. I wasn't able to find his mother or father, but I couldn't just leave him there, or the Oviraptors, T-Rex, or the other big nasty beasts would try and get him." She added.

"I understand, Madeline. No need to worry." Mosura looked to the blanketed form, gently parting it to see a tuff of brown hair. She then noticed the name on the blanket. "Little Braedey... isn't that adorable?" Then, she looked to the tooth necklace around the blanket, and that made her eyes widen slightly. "Well, this is rather surprising..."

"What is?" Madeline asked in confusion.

"The necklace around the blanket. The tooth on it, it matches that of him." Mosura said softly, holding the tooth in her hand. "This very tooth belongs to Gojira. This baby must be his son." She said.

"What?" Madeline jumped back in surprise. "You mean THE Gojira? The Alpha of the Titans? The King himself? The same King you have a symbiotic relationship with every now and then?" She asked in shock and awe.

"The same one." Mosura nodded calmly. She looked at the baby with soft eyes, as she gently patted the tuff of hair. "Gojira and his wife Naomi conceived their child only two years ago. It was a joyous day for our race, an heir to the throne..." She sighed deeply. "He said that he and Naomi had to abandon their child when a T-Rex attacked them and the herd around them, forcing them to run away."

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