50 🌙 Coralie

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As we continued to walk on through the desert, I attempted to forget how hot it was. I felt as though my precious pixie skin was quite possibly going to melt off onto the ground. However, I had promised myself that I would get through this mission. I was not going to give up now. It was about then, at that moment, that I made the snap decision to make use of a water spell to ensure that the others and I wouldn't die of dehydration. 

"What are you doing, pixie? You just splashed me!" Ferna said, as her eyes flickered with flames of fury. 

"I was ensuring that you didn't die, dark elf. You're welcome," I said. 

Ferna looked annoyed for a moment but her eyes soon flickered with understanding. 

"Oh. Thank you, then, pixie," she replied, with an appreciative expression. 

"You're welcome," I said. 

Gloria wandered over to Ferna then and began to speak with her. 

"I wonder what would happen, if the two of us combined our magic," she said. 

Ferna's eyes shone with amusement, as she considered it. 

"Beautiful things, Gloria. Beautiful things," Ferna said decisively. 

"Then let's take back our home, for Stella," Gloria said. 

Ferna nodded in agreement. 

"For Stella," she said. 

Well, it was nice to see that the two of them were getting along, even if it had been fairly unexpected. 

I walked over to Esmeralda and smiled towards her. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her. 

"Just hot...thank you for using the water spell, though, Coralie. I feel much better now, seriously," she said. 

I felt a smile naturally form on my face at her thankfulness. 

"You're welcome, Esmeralda," I said, "I didn't want Jasper...or any of you, to pass out again," I said. "Also, I know that we can do this. Echo said that we're not too far from the queen now. Right, Echo?" I asked her. 

Echo's pixie ears pricked up a little, then, as she turned to the two of us. 

"Right," she said, "We're very close...but we need to keep our wits about us. We won't know if the Queen is alone until we get there." 

I supposed that she did have a good point. Though, I doubted that the Queen had any accomplices. After all, she was alone on the map, aside from her husband, who was miles west of her. It appeared that the two of them really didn't get along. 

"Whatever happens, when we get there, I won't let the Queen hurt any of you," Esmeralda vowed. 

"Who's looking out for you, though, Esmeralda?" Echo asked, as her eyes shone with worry. 

I quickly spoke up. 

"I am," I said. 

Echo regarded me with admiration, then, while Esmeralda looked towards me with an appreciative smile. 

"We're going to be fine. After all, you guys have me on your team and I have my badass dark elf powers, remember? Aside from that," Ferna said, as Gloria cleared her throat beside her, "We have the Light Queen with us, too. We've got this." 

Gloria nodded in agreement. 

"I've read about this before," Jasper spoke up, "And I know that dark magic can be used effectively against, well, dark magic." 

"Good news! I knew I liked this one," Ferna said, as she flashed him a grin. 

Jasper simply nodded at her, as he smiled expressively.

"Don't worry, adventurers. They're incredibly outnumbered," he said. 

Sometimes, I was convinced that my brother was the most relaxed one out of all of us.  

"I know that we can beat them. We can bring back peace in Stellaxir, for good," he said with sincerity. 

"I know that dark magic is feared among the people of Stellaxir but...I have seen firsthand that it can be used for good, too," Ferna said, "I believe that if we introduced it to the right people- people we trusted, Stellaxir could be much more powerful against its villains." 

Gloria considered it for a moment. 

"I don't know, Ferna," she said. 

"What's the alternative? 'Cause you're never going to get me to stop using my powers for good," Ferna vowed. 

"I wouldn't expect you to," Gloria said, as her eyes flashed with some sympathy, "But we don't know that we can trust everyone in the same way that we now trust you." 

Ferna sighed, at that. 

"I suppose you have a point, your majesty," she said. 

"I'm going to continue working on building weapons...you know, once we're back in the forest," Nicolas said decisively. 

Jasper nodded in agreement, at that statement. 

"Sounds like a good idea to me, Nico," Jasper said, "Sure, magic is effective but...we can't be too reliant on that." 

"Jasper's right. Pixie's power drains over time. We need to be careful," I said. 

The others turned to me and murmured in agreement with this, too. I felt myself smile. It was particularly pleasant to feel valued by my friends. 

Jasper adjusted the collar on his shirt and sighed. 

"Do you think you'll be able to find that house that we stayed in ages ago? I really need to change my outfit. Presentation is one of the most important parts of battle, after all," he said. 

I scoffed at that. 

"Don't worry. We'll make you look even prettier soon enough," Nicolas whispered to Jasper, as he gently pat his friend on the shoulder. 

Jasper smiled at that. 

"You're the greatest, Nicolas," he said warmly. 

"I know that," Nicolas replied, with a subtle smirk.

"I'll find us shelter, companions! Don't you worry!" Ajax said confidently, as he began to rush on ahead. 

Amicus speedily followed after him. 

"Ajax- wait!" Echo yelled out. 

Before she could say anything more, Ajax disappeared across the border. He had found the forest again. 

The rest of us crossed the border, too and were soon back in the forest. However, it was safe to say that it was not a pretty sight. 

 "Well, my friends, it appears that we may find the Ebony Queen sooner than we thought," Ajax said, as he exhaled in concern. 

The rest of us glanced around the scene, where fairies lifeless, grey, bodies lay and goblins had been tied against tree trunks. 

Esmeralda cried out in horror. 

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