47 🌠 Esmeralda

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With all the strength that I had, I knew that we could do this. I also knew that I wasn't only strong physically, anymore. I was strong because of the confidence that had bloomed in my heart and my soul all thanks to the support of my friends. The adventurers were a force to be reckoned with and I knew this with everything that I had. I knew that we were capable of amazing things. The only key to all of this, of course, was to believe it for ourselves. We counted on each other. We had an unbreakable bond and although we were so different, our friendships just worked. We were incredible. 

We continued to walk on through the meadow and that was when Coralie came to stand beside me again. Her presence no longer agitated me in the slightest, though. I actually rather welcomed it. After all, she had turned out to be one of my greatest allies but more importantly, she had become one of my most loyal friends. 

"You can do this, Esmeralda," she told me encouragingly, as I paused for a moment and felt worry build up in me. 

I turned to her and nodded, as I carried on walking forward. 

When I had turned to Coralie, I had noticed that she had a slightly concerned expression upon her face. However, I wasn't sure what all that was about. I hoped she was okay, though. For one reason or another, she was kind of important to me. 

"Coralie, you still have the scroll, right?" Echo asked her, then. 

"Of course I do..." Coralie said, as she reached to her pocket, "Or maybe not." 

I looked towards her then and watched her throat bob as she swallowed with nervousness. 

Ordinarily enough, I would have made a comment on her naivety at this point, but I didn't feel like doing that right now, for some weird reason. 

"It's okay, Coralie. I'll find it," I said. 

I was about to search for it, when I heard someone speak nearby. 

"Hey, you dropped this," she said, "Though, I'm not sure what you're carrying around a blank piece of paper for." 

I glanced towards Ferna, as she held the Ancient Scroll out to me and felt my lips twitch up a little at the corner. 

"Not everyone can see its contents," I said. 

Ferna frowned then, as though she found this rather disagreeable. 

"Can you?" she asked me. 

I shook my head slightly then. 

"No. It seems only Echo and Coralie can," I explained. 

"Hm, interesting," Ferna said. 

Ferna appeared to think over this for a few moments but still frowned. Unfortunately, we couldn't all see what the Ancient Scroll had to offer but I trusted Echo and Coralie enough to lead us in the right direction. 

"I hope you're taking good care of my scroll," a familiar voice said, then, as a woman began to walk towards us. I quickly realised that she was the Light Queen. 

"Your majesty," I said quickly, as I bowed. 

The Queen glanced towards Ferna, then, and her golden eyes narrowed in discontent. 

"What is she doing here?" she asked me. 

"She's on our side, ma'am," I explained. 

Ferna's lips curled up at that. 

"It's true, Gloria. I am," she said. 

"It's your highness, to you, traitor," Gloria said. 

"Look, I wasn't a part of your parents' murder," Ferna said. 

Coralie swallowed, then, as her lilac eyes anxiously looked between the two of them. 

"You may be a dark elf, Ferna, but I am still a queen. You know how powerful my magic is, don't you, or would you like a reminder?" Gloria asked, as mischief flickered in her eyes. 

"That really won't be necessary, your majesty," Ferna said, as she smirked at Gloria. "However, I think it's important for me to speak in my defense, here. I really am loyal to the adventurers. I'm going to help them stop my parents," she said. 

"It's true," Jasper said, as he stepped forward in an attempt to mediate the situation. 

Gloria raised one of her eyebrows at that statement. 

"Interesting," she said. 

"She really is on our side, your majesty," Nicolas said calmly. 

Gloria exhaled, as she still didn't seem to believe it. 

"It's true, ma'am," Echo said, as she spoke up. 

Gloria's eyes glanced towards her, as she regarded her with interest. 

Echo raised her hand up so that Gloria could inspect it. 

"Ferna healed my burns," Echo said. 

The queen's eyes brightened slightly in her astonishment and she turned back to Ferna, then. 

"Well, I have to say, Ferna...I am pleasantly surprised," she said. 

Ferna simply shrugged. 

"Oh, it's nothing but a little healing charm," she said. 

The golden eyes of Queen Gloria flickered with jealousy then. I wondered for a moment if it was jealousy. 

"I think I should come with you," Gloria said. 

Ferna regarded the Queen with curiosity, then. 

"After all, our magic is very strong, Ferna. You already know that. Think about what we could achieve, together. If we worked together, we could save all of Stellaxir," she said. 

Ferna considered her suggestion for a moment. 

"I have to say, Gloria...it is an interesting proposition," Ferna said. 

At that statement, Gloria smiled. 

"Isn't it just? What say you?" she asked, "We know that dark magic can work against light magic but...I have never seen dark magic go up against dark magic before, Ferna. I am sure that you would be able to stop your parents. If anyone is strong enough to do this, then that person is you." 

 "She has a good point, elf girl!" Ajax said, as he stepped forward confidently, then. 

Gloria's cheeks pinkened slightly but I realised she wasn't looking at Ajax. She was looking at Ferna. 

"Ferna?" Gloria asked. 

"Screw it. I'm in. You all already know I'm on your side," she said, with a pleasant smile. 

For some reason, I really wasn't questioning Ferna's loyalty. After all, she hadn't ratted us out to her parents yet. 

After Ferna's statement of agreement, something was setlled and Gloria soon became a part of our group, too. 

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