
Michael reached under the desk and drew Two dual Handguns. "I know I'm not your grandmother but I can assure you what I have here is too quality, I also understand your a fan of Two?" I nod "I feel naked without my guns."

He nodded "it's unfortunate you lost them back in Argus, hopefully these will suffice" he set them down on the counters as I picked one up and looked at it.

Michael then began to talk. The FN Five-Seven handgun is a custom classic. 4.803 barrel length at a weight of 0.4495'. the total length is 0' 8". Manufactured at FN Herstal in Mistral it has been in service for the atlas military since the early 2000's."

I nod as I flip it over and check the magazine

"Semi-Automatic trigger action for focused accuracy at the cost of speed, it's muzzle velocity is 762 m/s. And it's Calibur is 5.7×28mm BUT if your looking for the NATO rounds then I advise the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge, commonly used in submachine guns"

I nod as I spin it around in my hand "Custom paint?" He nodded "of course" I smile "Perfect, not my grandma's work but very well made indeed" michael nodded "Thank you"

I slide the guns off to the side. "Entre" he smiled. And reached on the wall behind him. "I know Your shield is a little Outdated." I look at my gauntlet on my left arm "idk. Got it fixed back in Mistral" michael nodded "Outdated"

I slipped it off my arm as he set down a new gauntlet in front of me. "The Bavarium Tether" he said. "What's it do?" I ask.

He picked it up and held it with one hand as he motioned to it with his other "The Bavarium Tether is a prototype device atlas created recently, it fires a grappling hook that can go up to 300 meters, and with new gravity dust implementation you can now "tether" two to four objects, vehicle or people together"

I smile "oooh" he continued "this Grapple glove also give you the ability to hack into basic electrical devices untill we update the software for better access, as well as an upgraded hardlight shield, allowing you to create a generated field around yourself in a full 360 degree bubble shield, just a standard shield like your beacon days, or you can be like the legendary atlesian warrior Reinhart and form a shield that ckveres a wider range." He paused

"There is also a retractable blade located under the glove at the wrist, for your more...secret jobs"

I smile as I look at it "yes please" he chuckled "glad you enjoy it" I set it down with the guns. "The main course" I say. He smiled "I hope your hungry" I nod "very"

He then reached under the table "How's your eyesight?" I shrugg "don't need glasses" he nodded as he set down a small earpiece on the table. "This is our new Tactical Lenses. The earpiece folds out into a miniature display screen for your left eye when you need to exam data or go over plans on a mission, view texts between you and your team Via the briefing optics."

I nod as I look at it before setting it down with the other stuff. I then looked him in the eye "Dessert" he smile "dessert"

He pulled Legacy from under the counter "Pietro told me of the current enhancements, however there were several things I had to change"

I nod "like what?" He slid his hand over the blade "First I engraved the blade with Titanite, one of the strongest steels around, also giving it that platinum shine almost chrome" I smile "sweet"

He then turned it around and went over the hilt "The handguard now offers better protection as well as a sturdier grip for those Grimm who like to..hold on" I chuckle "your keychain has also been changed, I really just polished it"

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