The Storm

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A Friend of mine sent me a bunch of Avatar Memes/Pictures and one of them gave me the idea for this, so here it is!

Takes place two months after the end of the 100-year war.

It was a clear, cloudless day on Kyoshi Island. The Gaang (well most of the Gaang) had decided to go to Kyoshi Island after the war ended to blow off some steam and to get some serious rest and relaxation. Zuko and Toph had decided to stay back because Zuko was still getting used to being the Firelord and Toph wanted to sort things out with her parents. Sokka had wanted to go to Kyoshi mainly to visit Suki, the only person he loved more than meat. Okay, except for Katara, Aang, Toph, and oh, alright he cared about a lot of people more than meat! But the meat was still super close to some of those people. Katara and Aang had decided to come with Sokka because well, for one he needed a ride there, and two The peace meeting had adjourned for the time being, and frankly, they could all use a vacation.

"Land ho!" Sokka called out.

"Sokka since when did Appa become a Boat and you a Captain?" Katara said teasingly.

"Well, since just now!" Sokka simply stated.

"Ok, since Appa is apparently a boat now, I believe that would Make Aang captain," Katara said jokingly."

Yeah, and you could be my first mate!" Aang said Gladly going along with Katara's muse.

"I would be honored," Katara said trying to sound all serious and dignified but obviously failing to.

"I would be your first mate any day, Aang," Katara said sweetly.

Aang blushed a deep crimson and Sokka asked "Now what's that supposed to mean?!"

"It just means I'll be his first mate if he's the captain of course," Katara said turning a light shade of pink herself now."

"Alright, what does that make me?" Sokka asked as they got off Appa and began unpacking.

Um... you could be the repairman!"

"Oh haha, very funny. And how would I even repair Appa? He's a living animal. Sokka said matter of factly."

Well, why don't you start by brushing him out?" Aang said pulling out a long brush with a big smile.

Katara burst out laughing. Her boyfriend could be really funny when he wanted to be. Wait? was Aang her boyfriend? She was sure the feeling was mutual and they had kissed several times now, but they had never straight out said they were in a relationship now...

Her thoughts were cut off when Sokka saw Suki approaching them. "Suki!" Sokka said as he dropped his absurdly large brush and ran to her. "You have no idea how much I've missed you!" he said enveloping her in a bear hug and kissing her several times. "I've missed you too," Suki said a little flustered at Sokka's numerous hugs and kisses."It's so great to see you guys all again! I know it's only been a few months since the war ended, but it's felt like ages" Suki said."Well, it sure seems like that for Sokka." Katara teased. "Hey!" Sokka said whipping around.

Suki quickly changed the subject by asking them why they were at Kyoshi Island. Aang told her they were just taking a short vacation from all of the peace meetings and speeches that had gone on in the past few months proceeding the war. Suki then proceeded to lead them to the house where they would be staying at. She then grabbed Sokka's hand leading him outside. "we'll meet you guys later!" Suki called out as they ran off to go do whatever it was they did when they were together.

"Well now that we can finally relax, whattya say we go and ride the giant koi fish?!" Aang said full of excitement." you call that relaxing?" Katara said a little nervously. "Well yeah! At least it is for me..." Aang said scratching the back of his neck. Katara didn't want to disappoint him so she said she would go. After all, she never did that the last time they visited Kyoshi Island. Then Katara realized something."Wait. What about the Unagi?"I think I've shown it who's boss," Aang said with a smug smile and a wink. Katara blushed. He could be so charming at times. Ignorant of danger, but charming nonetheless."Yeah, I guess so..." Katara said a little nervous. "don't worry it'll be fun! and even if the Unagi does show up, I'll protect you," Aang stated of a surety. Katara blushed again, feeling more comfortable at Aang's bold remarks, and agreed to go. Aang had won this one. And who knows? maybe it will be quite fun. Even if it is terrifying.

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