Helping you heal

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Occurs after Book 2 Finale.

It all happened so fast. Katara couldn't believe it. She thought about what had all just happened. 

She looked over as Aang surrounded himself in cavern crystals. Katara knew that Aang was finally going into the avatar state. He was going to do it! That Guru must have taught him what he needed in order to understand how to do it. She couldn't be more relieved. She saw the crystals begin to glow a bright white-green and watched in amazement as Aang burst out from the crystals and rose into the air, eye glowing and tattoos blazing white. He was in the avatar state. She knew they would all be okay now! They were going to get out there!

They were going to get out of there alright, Just not in the way Katara had imagined.

Then, Katara saw it. If she had closed her eyes for even a split second, she would have missed it. But she didn't. Her eyes were focused on Aang, and she witnessed the blue light flash by. Lightning. Katara watched in horror as the bolt of lightning went into his body, causing it to Shake violently and convulse sickeningly. She watched as his eyes and tattoos stopped glowing, and he began to plummet towards the stony ground. She had to catch him. Her next few actions went by in a blur. She immediately went from an octopus stance into a wave by rotating the water in a swirl and then using it to propel herself across the cavern as fast as she could. She hardly even noticed the vast amounts of Dai Lee, let alone Zuko and Azula. All her focus was on Catching Aang. She couldn't let him hit the ground. She used the last of her wave to push away the Dai Lee battalion and shot herself forward just in time to catch Aang before his body hit the ground. She looked at him. He looked devoid of almost all life, practically lifeless. She couldn't think of that now, she looked up to see Zuko and Azula closing in. This was the end. She couldn't even dream of fighting Zuko and Azula and winning, not even mentioning the Dai Lee Batallion. But suddenly two quick and powerful bursts of fire shot out from the right side of the cave. Fire? What kind of firebender would dare get in the way of the prince and princess of the fire nation when they were about to finish off the avatar?

Iroh. Zuko's Uncle. the rightful Fire lord. Iroh jumped from his cliff on the side of the cavern wall to face his niece and nephew. He yelled back to Katara

"You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

And with that, Iroh Proceeded to shoot out three aggressive bursts of fire from his fists at them.

Katara couldn't believe it. Why would General Iroh of the fire nation go against his own? She didn't understand why he would do this, but she would not forget his brave sacrifice. Perhaps he really was a good man and was only trying to do what was right. She gathered some water from that cavern stream and swirled it around her and launching her and Aang into the air in a spiral of water, away from the battle below. She looked towards to see Iroh Valiantely holding them off, so they could escape. Katara would make sure to honor him in her own way. 

Appa sailed through the air. There was an eerie silence throughout the city below. No sound came from below or above the sky bison. The Gaang sat on Appa watching as Katara laid Aang down, and frantically pulled out her spirit oasis water, hoping she could somehow save Aang. she bent the water out of the vial and into a hoop in her hand. Then she looked at Aang. He looked so pale, so cold and empty. He could have made of stone for all Katara knew. But she had to try. She brought Aang's lifeless body close to her. She bent the water spiral into the giant scar on his back. She was shocked at the sheer size of the scar. It looked unbearably painful. She watched as the scar on his back glowed a bright blue, then vanished. She pulled Aang closer to her fearing it didn't work. She heard him grunt, and she pushed away so she could gaze at his face. His eyes and mouth opened ever so slightly, He was ALIVE! Katara was overjoyed. Her face was that of pure relief and hope. She pulled him closer to her as they rode off past the great wall of Ba Sing Se.

"The Earth Kingdom... has fallen." Earth King Kuei said as they left the capital.

A few weeks later...

Katara was healing Aang's back for what felt like the thousandth time that day. She hadn't left his side since he was hit by Azula. That evil witch, Katara thought. She would make sure Azula would pay for what she had done. Katara continued moving the water from his back to the other areas where he had been hurt. She had managed to heal of his more minor cuts and bruises but his back, his back... it was just like a hole through him. It looked awful, and she didn't know what more to do. The bolt had gone through the bottom of his foot and into his back, and she thought that she could heal it, but it wasn't working. The foot was starting to look better, but his back could not say the same. She figured that all of that energy had convulsed there, in the square of his back ripping the flesh from his body. She hated seeing Aang like this. It pained her and she felt so helpless. No matter how many times she healed him, it didn't seem to make a difference. Aang hadn't even woken up since that night in Ba Sing Se, and Katara feared that he might just be a vegetable for the rest of his life. Just laying there only to never wake up. No. She couldn't think like that. Aang would wake up when his body was ready. Until then, Katara would do everything in her power to heal Aang.

"Katara?" Sokka said as he walked into the room.


"Katara look, I know it hurts you to see Aang like this, but you have done all that you can do. You haven't slept in days and you barely even touch the food we bring you. You know, it hurts me too. It really does."

"Then why haven't you stayed by his side!? How can you just continue onward as if nothing had happened?! How can you just leave him?!" Katara said filled with rage.

"Katara... well what would I do? heal Aang?! I'm not exactly a healer, let alone a waterbender. Katara, I know you are in pain and are worried about Aang, but you need to take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself then who will heal Aang? Huh?" 

"Go away," Katara said coldly.

"Katara please..."

"Get out of here! Just leave me be! I'm fine!" Katara said.

"Okay... well I'll um... I'll be out here if you need me," Sokka said as he closed the door to their room.

Tears ran down Katara's cheek. She knew that Sokka was only trying to help her, but she refused to leave Aang's side. She knew she should probably get some rest and food. But she wouldn't be able to. Not when she knew what state Aang was in. And it definitely wasn't the Avatar state. She thought that Aang had mastered it, but there was something that he hadn't told her. She would have to ask him when he woke up. Katara got back to healing Aang, and she noticed a smile form on his lips. This reassured Katara that Aang was still in there. He was okay. This comforted her and knowing Aang wasn't lost, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep on the side of Aang's bed. After all, she needed to take care of herself so she could take care of Aang.

Tales of KataangOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora