"Oh, come on," Dream says, trying to breathe.

"Get out, I need to shower," George laughs. "You got a white substance all over me."

Dream stands to leave. "Don't say it like that," he begs, struggling to breathe between laughs. "It's sounds so bad."

George just laughs and shuts the door behind Dream.

While George showers, Dream composes himself and gets to work. He brings in the suitcases they were too tired to bring in last night and sets them beside the desk in the bedroom- the only desk in the little beach house they rented for their two week honeymoon. He scratches the back of his neck, knowing not everything they need to properly stream will fit.

"We'll have to make do," he mutters to himself, removing the lamp and ancient phone. He decides to hook up his own hardware- George is so particular about his computer anyway, he'd probably just scowl at Dream for doing it wrong, even though it's technically right.

"I see you've taken the liberty of setting up your streaming stuff," George says, walking to his suitcase, a towel securely around his slender waist.

Dream rolls his eyes. "I did, yes, but I actually have an idea for this," he says quickly before George can protest.

"Okay, what?"

"We could both control one player," Dream explains. "Like, I could use the mouse and you could use the keyboard, or vice versa."

George is quiet for a minute, rifling through his suitcase. "That's actually a pretty good idea," he says finally, smiling. "I'm going to get dressed." He disappears back into the bathroom, a bundle of clothes in his hands.

Dream goes back to connecting all the cords and whatnot, internally formulating an argument to get George to use the mouse so he, Dream, could use the keyboard.

"I'm starving," George complains, emerging from the bathroom and flopping onto the unmade bed.

"George, all you do is complain," Dream teases, unfolding himself as he clambers out from under the desk. "I'm down here, breaking my back so we can stream- where are you going?" He laughs and follows George to the kitchen.

George's mouth is open with shock, looking in the empty fridge. "We forgot to bring food, Dream!"

Dream laughs, exhaling harshly. "I'll shower really quick and we can go get food. No problem."

"Please be fast," George whines, dramatically throwing himself on the couch. "I'm wasting away."

Dream shakes his head with a smile and disappears into the bedroom to grab clothes, muttering to himself about George's theatrics. George sees him cross the short hall a moment later, and hears the water start. George's stomach growls as he clicks on the TV.

As Dream is shaving after his shower, there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"Are you decent? I need to brush my teeth," George says through the door.

"Yea, go ahead," Dream replies, unlocking the door.

"Thank yo- oh my God you're naked!" George exclaims, focusing on the faucet.

I Now Pronounce You Dream and GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now