chapter seventeen, and bad news :(

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Hey guys, you will not believe how hard this is for me to do, but I am discontinuing this fic. I feel terrible, but I've grown out of the MCYT fandom. I'll always love them, especially Dream, George, and Sapnap, but it's not the same for me anymore. And on top of that, I went through a rough break up and can't find it in me to continue writing a love story. It just doesn't feel genuine anymore, y'know?

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to y'all. I read each and every comment, and I am beyond grateful for the kind words. I had no clue so many people would read my brain rot, much less enjoy it.

If you were interested, this is what I had done of chapter 17 before the guy I was dating dumped me-

"Ugh, that was painful," Dream groans, buckling his seatbelt.

Lexi laughs, twisting in the front seat to look back at Dream. "It wasn't that bad."

"It was a little awkward," Sapnap agrees from the driver's seat.

"You two are just babies," George says. "It was fine."

"Yea, because you drank three quarters of my mom's bottle of wine," Dream rebuttals. "And I meant physically painful. My hip is killing me."

"Do you want to go home?" George asks, completely serious at the mention of Dream's pain, ignoring Dream's exaggeration of how much wine he had.

"And miss all the fun? Hell no," Dream says without missing a beat. "As long as I can stand, I'll be fine. It's all the sitting that is the issue."

George doesn't look convinced, but even while tipsy he knows Dream is too stubborn to admit he's in pain. "Okay, but if you want to go home at any time, let me know and we can Uber home."

"Okay," Dream says, rolling his eyes.

Once Sapnap parks, they all clamber out of the car and head into the bar. Sapnap and Lexi are given a stamp on their hands to prevent them from getting drinks, and inside they find a table near the back.

"Clayyyyy," Lexi says mischievously, noticing the karaoke is open. "Will you sing with me?"

"Absolutely not," he says from his spot standing by the wall next to the table.

"C'mon," she begs. "Epic karaoke is the whole reason we came."

"Did you just say 'epic karaoke?'"

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Shut up. Please do a song with me? You can pick what we do, as long as I know it."

"Maybe later," Dream concedes.

"What's later?" George asks as he walks up, setting his mixed drink and Dream's water on the table.

"Clay won't do karaoke with me," Lexi explains.

Sapnap follows closely behind George, putting the lemonade Lexi wanted and his own soda on the table. "What a loser. Comes to a karaoke bar and won't even do karaoke."

Dream chuckles. "Of course you're gonna take her side."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You do a song, then."

Sapnap crosses his arms competitively. "I think I will. Lexi, do you wanna pick a song for us?"

"Sure," she grins, and Dream rolls his eyes.

They head toward the short stage, and George nudges Dream's leg with his elbow. "You're gonna do a song eventually, right?"

Dream shrugs. "Maybe. Guess it depends. I just don't want someone to recognize my voice. And especially with you and Sapnap, it's kinda obvious it's me, you know?"

"Why are you so weird about your fans seeing your face? You're beautiful."

Dream scoffs, shaking his head. "You must be drunker than I thought."

"Only a little," George smiles, looking up at Dream. His voice is still unnervingly genuine, and Dream can't hold eye contact. He looks away, his stomach knotting with butterflies.

A familiar beat begins, and Dream is distracted enough for his nerves to settle.

"Of course they chose Golden," he smirks.

George nods, looking at Lexi and Sapnap on the stage. "They seem to have an emotional attachment to this one."

"They do," Dream agrees.

The two fall into a comfortable silence as they watch Sapnap and Lexi dance around on stage, having the time of their lives.

Sapnap is so happy he looks like a stranger. Dream and George can barely recognize the grinning, cocky fool on the stage.

"They're so good together," George muses.

"They are," Dream agrees again. "How much for you and Sapnap to do Hayloft after this?"

"What?" George asks.

"You. Sapnap. Hayloft by Mother Mother." A smirk pulls across Dream's face. "Name your price."

George crosses his arms. "You sing solo."


Once again, a huge huge huge thank you to every single reader that's made it this far. This fandom and this fanfic helped me through a lot, and I'll always be grateful for your support. I'll still read comments, and I'll always be appreciative of every read, comment and vote. It means so much to me, as an aspiring writer. I love you guys, and I hope you're not too angry with me. <3<3<3

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