"Allie!" I heard the familiar voice yell. Before I can even look, I was attacked by a hug. Of course, it was one of my best friend, Sandra.

"Hey, Sandy!" I hugged her back. I know this sounds pretty boring but I love hugs. We pulled apart and saw Amanda, my other best friend walking towards us.

"Hey, girl!" I said.

"He-" Before she could even say it I hugged her. Oh, come on I missed them. I haven't seen them in centuries.

"Air, air, air" Amy (short for Amanda) kept groaning out. I guess, I hugged too tight. "Oops sorry" I apologized as I let her go.

"Kiddo, your acting like you haven't seen me in centuries." Amy said and Sandy chuckled. I know, I know.. our nicknames rhyme. Amy, Sandy and Allie.

"Well, I missed you guys." I said looking at them, with a pout which I hoped was cute. I'm not the frickin' Kendall Jenner who can pull off a pout, alright?

"Oh yeah, right." Sandy said, sarcastically.

"What, I can't even hug my best friends now?" I said as I placed my hand on chest, pretending I'm hurt.

They just rolled their eyes at my drama. Yup, I'm a drama queen and I'm damn proud of it.

The bell rang.

"See you in the next class, guys." I waved at them before I walked towards my locker and took my notebook. I walked to my first class, Music. Oh and did I tell you that I study in an arts school? Yup, I'm a lucky bitch.

I sat down next to Alex. Alex is a very sweet guy. He is a little shy but he's friendly around me.

"Hey" He said.

"Hey, I heard that you're​ going to the talent show this weekend." I said to him. Even though Alex didn't know, he was pretty famous, especially around girls. He was sort of geeky but he was really attractive but he's not my type, though.

"Oh, yeah. I'm guessing Marc told you?" Marc was his best friend who surprisingly wasn't geeky, instead he was just the opposite. He was the popular athletic guy who went through girls like underwear while Alex was the guy who kept to himself and didn't even look at a girl in the eye.

"No, everyone in the school knows about it." I said, playing with my pen. It's true. When I said Alex was famous, he really was.

"What? You're kidding, right?" He asked me, shock written all over his face. He seriously needs to know what the girls think of him, then. I'm pretty sure he'd turn beet red.

"Nope, everyone knows about it." Alex was extremely talented too. But he never really appreciated himself.

"Oh my god, I was trying to keep it a secret." He said, freaking out.

I just chuckled at his reaction. " Well, I guess Marc doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." As soon as I said that the teacher walked into the class.

"Good morning, everyone." Ms. Potts said smiling warmly. Her name reminded me of Iron Man. Pepper Potts? Ring a bell? Anyway as you can already  see, the teachers treats us like we're in kindergarten.

"Good morning, Ms. Potts" We all said in unison. Our school was very strict in manners and things like that. Boring, I know. But hey, it was an art school! I'd give up basically everything because of that one reason.

"So, we all already know there is a talent show next week. And if you don't know Alex is the contestant from our school." She said, making heads turn towards Alex, who was looking down and blushing.

"So Alex, after this class, you have to see Ms. Vega to discuss about your show." She said, looking at Alex.

"Alright." He said, pretty loudly. Wow, did he say that a little loud? Well, that's a first.

"Okay, so we all know there is another talent show in 3 months and this year its gonna be in our school." She said. I completely forgot about the show. It's like an annual thing. I never went to it before. I'm kinda shy when it singing on stage. But this year, I was planning to audition for it. Well, it's not like I have a choice either, everyone in this class must audition this year since it's happening in our school.

"So the audition is gonna be next week and also you will be working with your partner." Good, I won't be alone in this. Now, that's a relief. "I will be picking your partners and no objections, all of you must audition." She said, sternly.

"Okay, I'm gonna pair you up now. Cassandra and Alex, Natasha and Joe..." She started picking random people. I turned to Alex who was blushing. Why was he blushing? Oh wait, his partner is Cassie! Well, he had a crush on her for like forever. Even though he didn't tell me I can see it in the way he looks at her.

"...and Allison" I quickly woke up from my thoughts. I heard people gasp and look at me. What the hell is wrong with them?

"Who's my partner?" I asked Alex, who gave me an I'm-sorry look.

"Tyler Parker, I'm sorry you got him." Alex said sadly. Ah fuck, he knew how much I hated him. I turned around to find Tyler glaring at me. His dark eyes kind of made me freak out. I quickly turned around.

He was frickin' glaring at me! What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

"Are you okay?" Alex asked me. I looked at him nervously. "Yeah I'm fine."

But I wasn't fine. I didn't know what I felt. Argh, how the hell am I supposed to put up with him?

So how was the first chapter? Well poor Allie, she got Tyler as her partner. So I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment :) I will update the next chappie soon :) Okay by the way so the picture on the right is what Allie was wearing. Cute, right? ;)

(I recently realised that there was no picture. But whatever. Use your imagination, people! The Wattpad sign is more sexier anyway! I mean, look at the greyness. Yum!)

Made A Bet With The Bad Boy (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now