Glazed (Goku x Reader[LEMON])

Start from the beginning

"How else do you expect me to not only disinfect the scratches you got, but also clean the blood off of you? It's all dried and crusty now! I have to work a bit to get it all off!" Happily pushing at Goku's shoulder, though he didn't budge an inch.

"Kami, at this rate it would be smarter to just put you in the shower and clean you." You even surprised yourself when saying this statement, but it came out on natural instinct, you were just speaking what came to your mind. The rosy blush was very prominent across your face now, though. Goku being Goku, didn't think anything of the annotations that remark held. As for what he responded with made you almost choke on the air you were breathing.

"Why not? It would loosen up all the dried up icky stuff, wouldn't it? That would make it a lot easier for you to get off! Plus the running water sounds soothing for my muscles right now." The built man's head titled to the side like a curious puppy, seemingly waiting for a response from you.

"Goku, I-I-I... come on now, that's really intimate and private!" At this point, you were a blubbering mess and your face as bright as a ripe tomato.

"How? It's just a body. We all have one. What's there to be intimate about?" Goku stood up at this point, intimidating you with his tall stature and forward topic of conversation. But he did have a point. Oh, that youthful innocence. He really wasn't catching on at all.

"Goku... there's plenty to be intimate about- you know what, you're right still. Just bodies." His warm hands found themselves on your shoulders, instantly radiating throughout your entire body. A just as warming smile on his face as he looked down at you. You couldn't help but return the smile, albeit shyly.

"Besides! I know I've got some cuts across my back from Vegeta sneak attacking me. I can't reach that myself." A reassuring squeeze on from Goku's hands sealed the deal. Well, that, and the fact that out of anybody, he's probably the best to even do this with, considering he's completely unaware of the sexual connotations of the situation. "Pleaaaaase!" The Saiyan dragged out, crouching down slightly to be at least somewhat more at your level.

Sighing, you nod your head in agreement, causing Goku to do a momentary leap of happiness. You move around him to get the shower running, once getting to a temperature that you approved of, you turned back around. Shocked, but honestly not surprised, Goku was already undressed and in all his shapely, toned glory. As if on instinct, you smack your hands over your face to hide your eyesight from the naked Saiyan.

Almost instantly, though, you felt those warm hands gently wrap around your wrists and pull your hands away from your face. Tilting his head to the side again, he softly speaks up.

"(Y/n), it's just my body. You're acting like you've seen a ghost or something!" Goku's charming giggle fills the already humid air in the small-ish bathroom. You couldn't help but feel your tense body lighten up at that contagious happy aura. Letting out a chuckle, you nod your head before resting it against the man's broad chest in front of you.

Regaining your nervous composure, you look back up to Goku. "... I've just... I'm basically never naked when around others. That's all." Nodding his head in understanding, he moves his calloused hands to hold your hands from where they previously were cradling your wrists. Deep in thought for a moment, Goku speaks up.

"How about this, I don't want you to be pressured into something you're uneasy in. I'm sure you don't want to get your clothes wet, but if you want to keep them or wait for me to wash myself, that's alright! I didn't realize this made you uncomfortable."

Smiling at his genuine concern for your comfort, you respond with, "It's alright Goku, really. It was just really sudden! Go ahead and jump in the shower and give me a second to brave up before joining you?" Your confirmation that you would be joining him sent a huge smile across his features, his dark eyes absolutely radiant with joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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