Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV:

When I walked away from him I saw that his eyes were moist and I felt really bad about it. But he also didn't tell me that why was he acting like that towards me. So I am also going to act like I don't care anymore. Let's see where it takes us.

Seokjin's POV:

When Taehyung said all those things, I felt hurt. But I know somehow it was my fault as well. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up in the first place. We both are very different from each other, even our lifestyles are different. He is the most popular guy on the campus and I am just another new exchange student. I should have known that we are different from each other so we should stay in our boundaries. But anyhow we have to work on this project together so I just went to his seat, he was just sitting there scrolling through his phone, he didn't even notice that I was standing beside him. Even when I was kind of hurt because of him, but still standing close to him made my heart race. Then I just awkwardly cleared my throat, so he looked up. I can see that he was somehow surprised to see me but then he quickly masked it with his usual poker face. I can't believe how can a person still look this handsome with his expressionless face. His voice made me snap out of my thoughts. He said with cold voice,
"What do you want?"
"I-I just came here to ask when should I come to your place for the project"
He smirked a little and said,
"Since when Kim Seokjin's voice started to shake while talking to me"
I just rolled my eyes and still replied in a calm voice while battling to keep my patience,"can you please just tell me the time". I can see his expressions changing and he just said,"today at 7 p.m., my place".
I just nodded and went back to my seat.

Taehyung's POV:

I saw him going back to his seat. I saw the hurt expressions on his face earlier but he is acting so differently again. He is not snapping back at my snarky comments, he is not even glaring at me, which really surprised me. No, I don't like this Jin, I want my previous snarky, grumpy Jin back. Wait a second, why in the world am I calling him "my" Jin. I just tiredly kept my head down on the desk thinking about what exactly am I feeling towards Jin. Anger? Frustration? or something else?!

(Kim's mansion at 7 p.m.)

Yes I do have a unnecessarily big house. I was waiting for him since it's already 7 o'clock. But then my phone rang and it was Jin. I picked up the call,
"Um- hello Taehyung?"
"Yes Jin where are you? I have been waiting for you? Did you get lost or what?"
"Well you might be right and I might have lost my track to your place"
"What the- , are you serious Jin? You really are lost?!"
"Well yeah I am! What can I do I am not Kim Taehyung who gets anything and everything he wants easily!", I can feel the frustration in his voice.
I smiled a little because I can feel a hint of snarky Jin from his voice and I don't know why but I liked it. I wanted to maintain my cold demeanour in front of him, but I somehow knew that I won't be able to keep it for long.
"Taehyung?! Are you still there?"
I snapped out of my thoughts,
"Yes I am, and now just send me your live location I will come and pick you up"
"Noo it's not necessary just tell me the directions I will find it on my own"
"If you could find it on your own, you wouldn't be talking to me on phone right now, so it's ok just stay there I will come over soon"
"And don't roam around anywhere"
"I think I know that much Taehyung, I am not a child".
I smirked as I heard the frustration in his voice. I got my keys and headed out.

Seokjin's POV:

I just rolled my eyes at his last statement, what does he think of me as. I am a fully grown man who can handle himself well. Then the thought of him coming all the way here to pick me up came to my mind and I can feel my cheeks heat up. What happened to "I am going back to being a pain in ass Taehyung". I smiled to myself but then I just shrugged it. No I should remember that this is just for project nothing else. He must be worrying that it would delay our project and that's why he is picking me up. I am not getting my hopes high again! Never!

Then an expensive car stopped beside me, as I stared at it confusingly the window rolled down to reveal Taehyung looking at me with his usual cold expressions. But he still managed to look so hot, I was worried that I might be drooling but then I internally slapped myself and just smiled at him. He just stared at me and spoke up, "well Mr. Lost boy, get in already, we have to get going". I blushed and went to sit in back seat but he stopped me and said "well what am I, your chauffeur? Come sit in front with me, if you seat there I will look like one". I see his nasty attitude is still there, so I just rolled my eyes and went to sit beside him. As car approached his house, I was unknowingly looking forward to this night.

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