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A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a bit! Was trying to figure out where I wanted to take this ship-wise and decided to just go the self indulgent route lmao

The Fight Culb
ET: I can't believe Shinsou still thinks you're simping for todoroki
Scarred: and I still can't believe I said that to aizawa I am the scum of the earth
Scarred: jinx on texting at the same time
ET: even through text I can tell how unenthusiastic that jinx is
Scarred: as I said, I am the scum of earth
Woke: mans is just trying to cope
ThePlackBarade: what even is this group chat
I get lifted: the Deku protection squad
Scarred: it's actually just the chaos agent headquarters
Scarred: I made it when I had the breakdown after you know who smiled at me after the joint training battle
Woke: that is really sad
AUX: I see this chat is alive again what did Midoriya do this time
ET: read up jiro
Scarred: I feel I should be offended by this
ET: are u
Scarred: no
                                    1-A GC
SEROtonin: ayo guys WhAts poppin
Woke: it's not that bad it's not like you weren't telling the truth
SEROtonin: it's true but you shouldn't say it
Scarred: which one of us are you saying that to
SEROtonin: yes
ET: anyway how was the KFC date
Scarred: the what
Woke: you and Shinsou went to KFC remember???????
Scarred: oh that
Scarred: that wasn't a date
AUX: I can feel your disappointment from here
Scarred: anyway we just got some fries and sat in the restaurant and talked for a bit
ET: sus
I get lifted: hush Mina
AUX: seconded
Invis: what did u talk about ??????
Scarred: nothing interesting? School mostly
ET: mostly
Woke: would be nice if you could've shifted the conversation to your undying love for the guy
ET: or the fact that every time he smiles in your vicinity your heart starts flopping like a magikarp
I get lifted: or how kissable you think his lips are
Slep: good morning
Scarred: FUCK
Woke: Deku really can't win huh
Scarred: Shinsou DONT read up
SEROtonin: something tells me it's a bit late for that
Scarred: can these things please stop happening to me :(((((((
Woke: oh fuck

Private DM Slep —-> Scarred

Slep: wanna talk about it
Scarred: no
Slep: I'm not mad at you or anything
Slep: if that's actually what you feel that is
Slep: if it's not that's fine too
Slep: I am really bad at this but please just know I'm not mad at you
Scarred: that's good
Slep: good
Scarred: this is a disaster
Slep: the situation or our collective conversationional skills?
Scarred: yes
Slep: do you really like my smile that much
Scarred: maybe..?????
Slep: is everything they said something you've said before
Scarred: read abovedjsjejjend
Slep: do you know how your smile makes people feel
Scarred: wh
Slep: pretty damn great is what I've heard
Slep: personally? It fixes anything
Slep: it's like it's physically impossible to be in a bad mood when you're around
Scarred: so what you're saying is
Scarred: I'm heroic
Slep: yes
Slep: and that if you felt the way they said
Slep: then I may be inclined to agree
Scarred: oh my god
Slep: come over
Slep: I'll be waiting


The startling sound of a soft knock on the door quickly drew Hitoshi from his spiralling thoughts. With haste, he moved quickly to open the door in hopes of Midoriya entering the room without incident, or even worse being seen.

His hopes were dashed the moment he laid eyes on his friend. His waved hair and freckled cheeks looked nice in this lighting. Did they always look like that? Had his friend always looked so cute and lovebable?

'Oh.' He thought, as he welcomed the smaller boy inside, quietly shutting the door behind them both and moving to hold the other close.

Scarred has renamed The Fight Culb to The Pining Idiots Chat

Scarred: so that happened
Woke: methinks a man has secured himself a lover
Scarred: can not confirm nor deny that statement

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