Chapter Veintinueve (29)

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(Y/n) stopped halfway, the fresh of the morning brushed against her skin. It felt incredible to be away from everything, the sense of euphoria made her smile.
Being away by herself, in the middle of who knows were.

It all went down the drain when she remembers that she's about to step into the lions den.

She makes a quick stop to unpack her things. She leaves outside the key items: the letter and the small box. Everything else belongs to her, even if it's stolen.

The watch of Reichtangle is beautiful, there's no way she's returning it. Naz's coat is comfortable and is very useful, his cologne has managed to stay every wash. The other clothes of Naz she stole are extremely comfortable, she cut out the symbols and patched in Kyle's embroidery. (Yes, he does embroidery in his free time. Remember that he's not the Kyle from SP, he's his own person in this story. (Y/n) just likes to make fun of him.)

Now no one knows her clothes once belonged to someone from the not so good german party from the 40s that committed genocide.

She stands up with the items in hand, ready to just slap them on him and sprint away to the horizon. No explanation given.

(Y/n)'s POV

I walk towards the villa, my throat tightening as of a knot had been made around it. The same case could be said with my stomach.

It felt awful, every step told me to turn around and run away. The fear of my impending doom was consuming me. Although, I knew there's little chance of something bad happening.

This felt worse than when I got charged with arson and the other charge that almost made me shit myself; unlawful tampering with a deceased human body.
I ,of course, didn't have to do anything with the second one, I got framed. It was pure luck that I got acquitted from lack of evidence, I almost passed away once I got the news.

Anyways, how bad can it be to walk into a possible death trap? I've been meaning to die long ago, but it can't be that bad.

I walked to the front door, almost throwing up from the anxiety. I knocked on the door.

It swung open and I was greeted by him.

First thing he does, shoot a frown at me. That's totally expected ,after all, I was the one who betrayed him and stole a bunch of stuff. Who wouldn't be angry .
It then turned into a soft look, it gave me a sense of familiarity, I didn't like it at all.

"Hallo (Y/n)." He said with open arms, I awkwardly waved my him. He stepped aside, motioning with his hand for me to walk in.

All my guts twisted and dropped, screaming at me for me to refuse and run away. It was cry for help.
Yet, I stupidly walked inside like the greatest dumbass I am! also because I didn't want to be perceived as rude.

He closed the door after I stepped inside, my eyes scammed the place noting everything. It appeared to have stayed the same as the last time I was here, which was four years ago if I recall correctly.
Naz looked at my hands, his eyes widening slightly, almost unnoticeable. If I wasn't looking at him I wouldn't have caught this.

"Oh, uhmm-" I held both items with my right hand and rubbed the back of my neck with the other one "I... I brought this, I deeply apologize for leaving abruptly and- and I am very thankful you uhm... you let me stay in your house for two months. I really, really appreciate that." I bowed, holding the items in front of him with the palms of my hands.
The weight shift on my palms was felt, they became lighter. He definitely had them now.
I heard the shuffling of the note, I stood straight once again as he read the note.

A while later he opened up the small box, his brows curved up and blinked rapidly. His met with mine.
My guts still told me to run away, and boi, I wasn't moving from where I was. I expected him to accept my half-assed apology.

"If you're to steal from me again, you'll be in great pain. I'll let you go with this one, for now." He glared at me, I nodded. This was definitely an I accept that half-assed apology of yours, he was a total asshole but I didn't care.
I'm alive and that is all that matters.

He sighed, holding my right hand. With his free hand he took the ring from the box and placed it carefully in one of my fingers.
Everything stopped, it felt as everything was frozen in time. I looked down at my finger and his holding my hand. I couldn't make out what was I feeling exactly.
Perhaps it was confusion, because I expected him to give the ring to the woman he loved.


Hol' up right there.


Oh, I am so not smart, I am that woman. I should've thought of it sooner. Back then he called me his wife, I should've known by then. It was as clear as day. Now I'm here, getting a ring on my hand. Also, why in the fucking fresh hell does he think I'm a perfect fit for him? I'm definitely not wife material. Everything I touch wilts, destroys and dies... I'm being too dramatic, that doesn't happen.

And if I had to choose who to marry, it'll be either France, Poland, or Kyle. The only one I can confirm that would marry me would be Kyle, he and I have barely any boundaries(No, they don't have intercourse. You dirty minded human being). We would be married if we had feelings for each other, but we don't. It's mostly platonic.

Time slowly went back to normal, as I calmed down. And by that, I mean to not throw up and suddenly have a heart attack.
"(Y/n), love, we'll be together from now on."

Those words... This feels like some fictional shit, a movie. But I feel disgust and fear, I'm not ready to be in a relationship, and definitely not with this sick bastard fucking piece of shit, or anyone else.
But my ass must be saved at all cost, so cooperation has to happen.

I stayed silent as he leaned down to kiss my forehead. His cold lips sent shivers down my spine, but a sense of relief calmed me down. At least it wasn't the lips.... It won't be long until he decides to kiss my lips.
There's no escape is it.

I didn't plan for this.

I should've planned it.

Maybe if I ask nicely he'll let me go?

I'll give it a try...

"Can I please go out?"


That settles it. I'm doomed. I'm dead meat. I'm going to die and go to the bad side of the afterlife, if there's even one.
Maybe... MAYBE if I manage to remember that one post-it note of France's phone number, than I could be saved.

Thanks to satan, I have a bad memory and I definitely will die. Great.

Published: October 5, 2020.

Shitty as chapter, sorry guys. But I'm feeling very unmotivated. And I might have joined another fandom that has the word Hunter twice in it and an x in the middle. Just started watching the fourth season.

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