Chapter Trece (13)

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(A/n- FUCK, sorry. My proofreader [my awesome sibling] pressed the button before I could fix the title and other shit. Anyways, it was ready so yeah, here, have it again and enjoy my shitty chapter. Sorryy :'D )

(Y/n) was running through the forest, leaves and sticks crunching everytime she stepped on one. Her leg was bleeding badly, the wound was caused by a bullet. Another more serious

Huh, you may wonder how the fuck did (Y/n) ended like this, well...


While Third was busy checking (Y/n)'s bag, (Y/n) was untying her hands carefully, trying to not get any attention.

When she was done, she sat still. Looking at him with the corner of her eye, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

(Y/n) wasn't going to go back, not again. She preferred to flee than face the consequences or stay longer. Her goal was to leave NOW.

Third kept looking through the bag, not knowing that the female was tying a noose.

The female just glanced at him and did some quick mental math, and by that I mean she had to actually use her brain. Ok no, I was kidding. Please don't kill the author.

She mentally calculated the circumference, so the noose could go through. She was going to strangle him to the point he's unconscious, but not kill him.
She's not a murderer, and wouldn't kill anyone. No matter how evil and cruel they are. Well, she can, but not him. She knows that he's a father, and she doesn't want the kids to be alone.
' what if they try to kill me because I killed his father? I can't take any risks' she thought.

(Y/n) kept silence, thinking on a quick plan. She knew what to do, now she needed to wait for the perfect moment. That moment is now.

She launched at him, and put herself on top of him. Putting the noose around his neck and pulling it until she could hear him struggle.

Third tried to get her off from him, but he couldn't. Instead of using force, he got a grab of his gun. (Y/n) noticed what he was going to do, she took the gun and dropped it, kicking it under a seat.

"I'm so thankful that you'll lose the war. Such a shame a girl like me has to take you out for a while, be grateful that I won't kill you" (y/n) said with a grin. Third looked at her on the eyes, still trying to get her off and failing.

"I'm kinda sorry about you wasting your time with my shit. But hey, thanks for giving me shelter, and for the rest... Fuck you" she said, tightening the noose.

A few minutes went on until Third fell unconscious.

She got off from him and checked every pocket, she found bullets, a pocket knife, more bullets, a pack of cigarettes and at last, a box and a note. She opened the box and saw a ring, she closed it again and put the box on one of her pockets. Yes, she's a thief, she just stole it to sell it when she gets with Kyle.

She took a quick look at the note, she tried to read it, but failed. It was in german. (Y/n) folded the note and placed it on her pocket, while she did that, she didn't notice how long she took to "read", the note.

The man she had left unconscious was waking up. (Y/n) kicked the door open, the car was still in motion. At last minute, she glanced at Third, who slowly recovered and noticed the girl about to jump.  It took him a moment to realize what she was going to do. He tried to grab her hand but was unsuccessful, she had jumped out of the car in motion.

(Y/n) rolled in the road, she stopped and stood up to run away directly to the forest. She heard a loud screech, she glanced quickly and noticed the car stopping not so far away and then the man she hated came out, or that's what she assumed.

Gunshots were heard.

"Goddammit! Why did I try to read a language I don't know?! Why!?" She mumbled. She then felt a mild pain on her chest, she ignored it and continued running through the forest.

•[End of Flashback]•

This is how she ended up in this predicament.

Another gunshot was heard. (Y/n) fell to the floor, her other leg had been shot. She crawled next to a tree trunk and covered herself with mud and leaves. She made complete silence as she heard heavy footsteps pass nearby.

She heard mumbling in german, and more gunshot sounds. But they slowly faded away until there was silence.

(Y/n)'s adrenaline faded away, the pain becoming clear.

She sat down and looked down at her waist, there was a big stain of blood. She put pressure on it, but blood didn't stop from coming out.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" She tried to stand up, but collapsed from the sudden pain. She noticed she had been shot in the legs.

She layed down, staring at the sky, hearing the leaves rustling. She was about to relax when she heard another gunshot.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was going to relax until I heard that someone shooting. I blacked out...
I was still conscious, but everything was black, I was on a void.

Well, shit. I died. This is good, but bad. There's no food around.

No, I didn't die. I can feel things around me, I can't move but I can feel.

I opened my eyes and was blinded by a bright light.

"(Y/n)! Dude! You're alive! Holy shit, you're back!" that voice. I know who it is.

Published: January 20, 2020

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