Chapter Catorce (14)

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(Y/n)'s POV

"(Y/n)! Dude! You're alive! Holy shit, you're back!" that voice. I know who it is.

I blink a couple of times to get used to the bright light.

"Holy fuck... Somebody shoot the sun or close the curtains." I said, my voice came out rough, raspy and dry. It was fine a second ago!

"And there she is, the (Y/n) I know." The same person from before said. I looked at them and saw Kyle.

"Kahl! My favorite jew person! My voice feels like trash... How did I end up here?" I asked. He frowned and punched my shoulder.
I then remembered something important, I looked at him I moved my hand telling to get closer. He did so and I wrapped my hands around his neck. I started to strangle him.

"YOU FUCKER! I lost my test because you never told me east was west and viceversa!" I said with my horrible voice.

He started chuckling, "I'm.... sorry" he said, trying to inhale some air. I let him go and crossed my arms. "Sorry. Well, now explain how I am here!"

"Okay, you went missing for a couple days and then someone found you on an alleyway with a bag. And you were beaten up pretty bad to the point you were left in a coma for a month." He explained, sitting on a chair. He sighed and looked away, his eyes were droopy and he had bags under them. "Your family wanted to pull the plug on you. Just after they knew you were on a coma"

"Oh okay...hold on, how can they afford everything? They're poor as fuck. I don't even have health insurance" I said.

"Well, my dear and stupid friend. My family covered everything, and yes I'm rich." He mumbled the last part.

I tried to gasp but it hurt. "Dude! That's awesome. Your family is the best! Thanks"

Kyle's POV

Tears rolled down her cheeks, that's new.

"Wow! It's the first time I see you crying! And why exactly are you crying?" I asked.

"Because you didn't pull the plug and I'm alive! I'm so upset..." She cleaned her tears.

I shook my head. "Yup, same (Y/n) from always. The one who wants to die and is an idiot"

"Hey! I don't want to die that badly, I'm not suicidal" she crossed her arms and looked away.

"So you're not denying the fact that you're an idiot?" I said, she looked back at me and was about to say something but didn't.

"Shouldn't you be calling the doctor because I woke up?" She said. My eyes widened and ran out of the room, looking for a doctor.

•[Le time skip]•

(Y/n)'s POV

I was standing in front of a mirror, ready to get dressed and leave the hospital. I looked at my horrendous body. There were no scars, nothing.

I trailed my fingers where I remembered I got shot. But nothing, there were no scar at all. The doctor told me I healed incredibly fast, the only bad thing was the coma, and a little amnesia. A nurse told me that maybe the amnesia caused me to forget what happened and how I got so hurt, that kinda made sense.

Anyways, I was confused. I had told Kyle what I had to go through, he told me I was just dreaming. And the things I have just dreamed were products of my imagination.
But the bag confused me the most, it was very similar to the one I had. Maybe the amnesia caused me to forget everything.

I looked at my bag that was near my clothes. I grabbed it and opened the bag. Kyle told me he put a cap or hat inside, he knows I won't brush my hair. And he also told me he put some clothes there.

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