Chapter Nueve (9)

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Poland's POV
I woke up, and saw that I was cuddling Y/n. She had her head in my chest, she was sleeping peacefully.

She was so calm. After all she went through just to get me out, she didn't gave up on me. She got shot just to let me escape. I touched her messy h/c hair.

Yesterday, I felt good after crying. She was there for me, and I know she's going to be with me. But... I can't fall in love, not yet.

What if she just decides to turn me back in? No, she wouldn't. But it's still possible, I don't know her that much. 

I moved those thoughts away, and made up my mind to wake her up. "Y/n? Wake up" I shook her gently.
She mumbled words that I couldn't make out.

Y/n's POV

"y/n? Wake up" I hear Poland's voice. I just hug tighter whatever I was holding. "Ten more minutes please..." I mumble and slowly drift back to sleep.

I then realized I was cuddling Poland, I open my eyes and notice I had my face burried on his chest. My face started heating up from embarrassment. I quickly unwrapped my arms from him and apologized at least a hundred times.

"It's okay, don't worry" he smiled at me. I look away embarrassed, I am not used to hug or cuddle anyone.

I sat down and looked at my hands. He stands up and stretches his arms and wings. His shirt goes up a little and I am able to get a quick glance of some scars that weren't covered by bandages. I looked back at my hands, trying to not stare at him.

"I feel tired, I'm going back to sleep" I lay back down and covered myself with the sheets. "Sleep sleep" I said and closed my eyes.

"I'll come back later Y/n." I heard him leave. Once I verified no one was in my room, I sat down again.

I stood up and walked around the room, checking out everything. Wherever I was, I felt kind of safe. No more stalking countries, no more worries, no more arguing about dresses with Nazi bitch... The only thing I missed was the kids, I could only be happy with them.

Now I feel embarrassed for confusing west and east my whole life, and no one dared to tell me I was wrong. I felt betrayed. And I also confused two small children that were personified countries for TWO MONTHS. Oh well, the past is on the past, it can't be undone.

I notice there's a radio in a table nearby, I turned it on. Jazz starts playing, it's pretty nice to hear some music that isn't f/s. But I still love f/s, I just want to hear something I haven't heard off.

Also, Third Reich didn't like jazz. He thought it was disgusting and offensive. That it wasn't fit to his regime. So, I wasn't able to hear it at any time. It was banned from being played really anywhere.

I turned off the radio and sat down on my bed again. I winced a little since I'm still wounded. If I didn't think about the pain, it wouldn't hurt...

Oh shit... I'm thinking about the pain, now it's painful as hell! STUPID BRAIN, WHY?!

I stay motionless, trying to think on anything else. Somehow, I'm successful and start thinking about Kyle.

"That bitch sure is having fun while I'm not there to bother him... damn it Kahl, you lucky bastard," I mumbled. "I need to be with myself 24/7"

I lay down in the bed again and fell asleep again, I felt really exhausted. Maybe it was the blood loss from before.


Third Reich's POV (Nazi bitch y'all)

(Earlier, just after Y/n's great escape)

I woke up in the underground base, why was I there? I don't remember.

I went back to my house to look for Y/n.
It was so quiet, she would usually be walking around with East and West. She will also confuse their names all the time, she seemed to be confident about it.

I went to West's room, he opened the door and smiled at me. (A/n- author is too lazy to Translate. Imagine they're speaking german until I say otherwise)

"Hello father" he says and lets me go inside his room. I look for Y/n, but she isn't nowhere to be seen. "Are you looking for Y/n? She went to the garden" he says.

"Oh really? I told her to not go to the garden without me. She should've stayed" I walk outside his room and look at West. "You know, Y/n would go there anyways, she loves the garden" West goes to his bed and takes a piece of paper that was laying on his pillow.

"Y/n loves f/fl! She always told me how she took care of some f/fl that were on the garden." He comes closer and shows me the paper, there's a f/fl painted in there.

"Maybe she's taking care of the f/fl in the garden." West says and places the drawing on the top of his desk.

"Thanks for telling me that, see you later" I pat his head and go straight to the garden. I enter and it was completely silent, there was only the rustling of the leaves.

(A/n- now he speaks english.)

"Y/n, Where are you?" I say in a playful tone. She usually played hide and seek when we were on the garden.

I continued looking around, but there was nothing. Y/n wasn't anywhere. "Y/n??" I said, and this time I was getting mad.

I saw the gardener and asked. "Hast du [Y/n] heute gesehen?" (Probably wrong Translation: Did you see Y/n today?")

"Nein" he said, I turned around and left him alone.

I walked back inside and saw a maid. I asked her if she had seen Y/n today, she said no. I asked to other maids and some soldiers, they all said no.



I knew she left, Y/n was nowhere to be seen. It's obvious that she's gone from here, her music box was gone. She always left it in the nightstand.

I was angered at this point, after all I did for her, she decides to leave. Where did she even go? How could she leave without getting noticed?!

Ungrateful woman. I really thought she was fine and comfortable.
She needs to come back, she MUST come back. Y/n already has a good life here with me. I'll get her back soon.

Published: November 12, 2019.

A/n- This chapter was possible thanks to MkGlazreich. Thanks for your ideas and help!
-If someone has any ideas, feel free to dm me or comment!-

Also, I'm sorry my dear readers, if it's taking me so long to update this book (and my other books. I'm really sorry for not updating those!). I have so many ideas, but tying them together is a whole challenge for me.

ו= I apologise for any errors in grammar, spelling, translations, someone being out of character, and this awfully written chapter.=•×

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