Logans POV

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~Midnight, Patton had skipped making dinner and is seeking help from a trusted individual~

I have been working in the perfect solution for my blood problem and I believe I have almost solved it. All I had to do was solidify and make it into a pill that will dissolve in my mouth. Luckily Thomas has allowed me to use some of his blood to make the pill complete. All I needed was a shell of a pill to fill with the solution, but theres no where in the house I could get some. I'll have to go to the store. I gave a small groan and stood as there was a knock on my door. I stand and open it to see Patton. "Salutations Patton, what brings you to my door this late?"

"I'm sorry Logan, I just couldnt sleep... to many things on my mind." He had indeed looked tired, small bags had started to form under his eyes.

"Would you like to step in here and talk about it?" I raise my brow slightly, a vial of Thomas's blood still on my desk. He slowly nodded and stepped in. I closed the door behind him and he sat on the bed. I could tell whatever was on his mind was really bothering him because his usually bright blue eyes were flashing darker blue and silver. I sat beside him, setting a hand on his "What's on your mind Patton?"

"Its Virgil... hes... I thought he was human like Thomas but-"

"But he can shrink himself?" I looked over Patton, I didnt think he would be the one to tell others secrets.

"Howd you know?" His eyes settled for a silver.

"I found him curled up in a small hut after Thomas told him he could open up to everyone. I promised him I wouldnt tell anyone but since you already know that doesnt apply." He gave a small nod.

"So then you know about Janus?" This shocked me.

"What about him?"

"Apparently Virgil wants to be with Janus and trusted him more to let him know before any of us." That didnt add up, Virgil despises Janus.

"Patton, have you seen the way they interact? Theres no way Virgil would tell him before us. But if he did, which is a very low probability, it would have been for a good reason." He nodded some, looking down. I dont know what he was thinking, but I could tell he was doubting what I was telling him. I sighed some. "Get yourself some warm milk and try to rest some. I'll talk to Virgil and see if hes alright or if he needs help with Janus." He nodded and stood, going to my door, "Oh, and Patton?" He looked back to me  scratching at his hands, "Dont go tell Roman, Remus, or Thomas alright? Virgil will tell everyone when hes ready and you shouldnt take away that opportunity."

"Alright... Thanks Lo." With that he left, leaving me to finish up my blood pills.

(I'm not gonna give an excuse to why I'm so late haha, I've given up on my schedule since writers block sux. Next update should be Wicked. I've noticed more people seem to like that one so I'll get that updated for all of you! As always, suggestions are always welcome! See you guys in the next chapter!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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