Chapter 5: Virgils POV

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After Logan left and promised not to tell the others about my power I was relieved. He wouldnt break a promise, so now it was just a matter of making sure nobody else found out. Maybe I should move my makeshift bed into the closet floor or in my dresser. Nobody would look there for me. I sighed, looking around my room. I picked up my small hut and set it in the top dresser drawer, which I kept fairly empty with only a few supplies for when I wanted to stay out of sight. I like being small more than anything. Nobody knew so I could do what I wanted as long as I stayed out of sight. After moving my hut I sighed and sat on the big bed, pulling its blankets around me and laying in the bed. The blankets were soft and fluffy. Thomas let me pick them out when I first moved in. For some reason he had a big enough house for us all to fit in with a few spare rooms. It was nice. No having to share rooms, I preferred being alone, which is why I liked Logan. He was quiet, stayed out of your business, and didnt argue... well not often. When he did... oh boy, you best get out of that room as soon as possible to avoid becoming deaf! I chuckled a little at the thought, he really is a cool dude.

A knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts and I stood. "Who is it?"

"The mailman." I heard Deceits voice and sighed.

"Come in Dee." Although I acted like I hated him in front of the others, Dee wasnt that bad of a person. He was one of those people who just needed a day or two before you come to like him. He came in and we both sat on my bed. I set my head on his shoulder and he played with my hair, he knew I loved that, he also knew about my power. Hes the only one I let know... Well, more like he found out a few years ago when I was searching for food in the winter.

~Flashback Time!!~

"S-Stay away!" This was it. I was found out and soon I'd be taken away. Humans always hurt me whenever I was found. I had just escaped my most recent 'Master' and it wasnt going well. Not even two blocks away did I get trapped in a corner of an alley by a human at least 15 times my height. They had gotten down on their knees and put their hand down near me. I moved away from it and backed into their other hand, which scooped me up and brought me to their face. I flinched and curled up. "D-Dont hurt me p-please..." I felt a soft hand start to pet my back.

"I wont hurt you little guy. I promise. Why are you out here all alone?" The human stood and started to walk back to their car. I loosened up a little bit, but not much. It was freezing and I was wet from the melted snow on my body. It didnt help that I barely even had clothes covering me.

"I-I ran away..." I dont know why I was telling this human everything but they seemed like a nice enough person. As we got into the car heat surrounded me and I shivered slightly, the heat felt so nice.

"What were you running from?"

"My old M-Master... I was sold t-to her after I was c....caught by an older man..." The human holding me nodded a little and set me on his dashboard. I sat by the heater and he drove off. "W-Where are you taking me?"

"An old friend of mine wanted me to come over today so I thought you might want a better place to live. He can give you a better home than the alley or I can" I nodded a little bit.

"Th-that would be nice... th-thank you." The man smiled at me as he drove to his friends place. It was near the edge of the woods, I liked the woods. Most normal humans didnt go in there so I would be safe. When we got there the man picked me up carefully and stepped out of the car. As we headed in I could hear multiple voices, which made me tense. He lied... I'm gonna be sold off again arent I? My anxiety started to spike as I curled into a ball, not responding when the human tried getting me to open up.

"There he is. The man of the hour." A male voice spoke as I was moved into a pocket. "How are you doing Jack?"

"Just fine Deceit." Jack said with a calm tone. What kind of name is Deceit? Maybe it's a coverup? "So what did you call me here for?"

"Just wanted to hang out." Jack's hand reached into the pocket as he gently pet me. I tried moving away from his hand but it was no use. He was so much bigger and stronger than I was. He wasnt letting me go anytime soon. I whimpered softly, sure he was being gentle, but I didnt like being touched, it brought back too many bad memories.

"Ah, okay, well... I have to ask you a question." Jack seemed to trip on his words a little bit. But why? I managed to get away from his hand and moved to the other side of the pocket, he was determined though and put his other hand in the pocket, trapping me, my breathing sped up as one of his hands closed their fingers around me.

"Okay, what is it?" I panicked, trying to get away from him, but to no avail. I just ended up wearing myself out. I went limp in his hand, my body refusing to move anymore.

"How do you feel about pets?" I'm not a pet! Dont say I'm a pet! I wanted to scream, but if I did he'd most likely get mad and hurt me.

"Depends, I prefer snakes over, say, dogs or cats."

"What about smaller pets?" I could feel him lean forward.

"Mice are pretty good. I dont care for rats though." I sighed a little bit, I knew it was a bad idea to trust him.

"Would you like a new tiny pet?"

"How tiny?" I whimpered again, I could only hope if he said yes that hed be nicer then my last Master.

"Like... Its in my pocket right now in my hand tiny." Theres another word I hate. It, the very word takes away my right as a person and makes me an object, a toy, or a play thing.

"Lemme see." I flinched, this was it, this was where I was going to spend the rest of my life. He hasn't said Yes yet. But he will. We know this. Do we? Jack brought me out of his pocket and showed me to Deceit. There was nobody else in the room. Which made me wonder where all the voices came from before. Deciet nodded a little bit as he looked me over, taking me from Jack and poking me occasionally."Where did you find them?"

"I found it-"

"Them, obviously they arent an it." Deceit was quick to shut down that dreaded word once he saw me. It made me loosen up slightly. Jack sighed.

"I found them in an alleyway." Deceit hummed in response.

"I'll keep them. They cant just stay out in the cold." Jack nodded in agreement.

"Cool." Deceit took me up to his room and laid me on a pillow. My body had started to respond again so I sat up and looked at him.

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?"

"Im going to protect you, and I'll make sure you have everything you need." He was quick to respond as if he knew I'd ask. "Now you get some rest. Well get you a proper bed and everything tomorrow." I nodded a little and curled up, falling asleep fairly quickly after Deceit left. Maybe he wouldnt be too bad.

((Heyo! PhantasmalArt here! Ik this chapters longer than the others but I really felt like some kind of background was needed to clear up Dee and Virges relationship. Next chapter will start up as a memory then go back to normal. I decided to do 2 parts so this isnt too terribly long. Until next time guys gals and nonbinary pals! Peace out)

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