Just another day...

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It was a regular routinely Friday morning; the room was pitch dark and extremely quiet, until the alarm clock went off. It was six in the morning and another day of work in the business world of advertising. Demetrious opened the curtains to be blinded by the rising sun. He showered and put on his grey suit. Demetrious is a very handsome man. He is what women called the perfect man. He is 6"2, Caucasian, 30, with light green eyes and dark brown hair, he is the President of his families ad agency called YANG Group, in the heart of downtown Toronto. He has the looks, the money, and the respect, the absolute package. But no one is really perfect in this world. With Demetrious Salvador he had one flaw. Which in essence can also be a good thing, he was an extreme workaholic. He works from sun rise to twilight every day which doesn't give him much to carry a long relationship, which he doesn't. He believes that "marriage" is a fancy word for prison. And the word "love" is just that, a word. He went to the kitchen where Verona his housekeeper was finishing up breakfast.

"Good morning Demetrious did you have a good sleep?"

"uh.. it was okay, the same old" Demetrius said.

"Did you even sleep?" Verona teased.


"Then why did I hear you on the phone saying you're checking the stocks at 2 in the morning" Verona said accusingly

 "I did sleep, I just woke up for bit, I'm off"

Demetrious left his beautifully expensive condo and went in his brand new black tinted range rover and went to work. Demetrius's ad agency is the best in the business, doing ads for the most famous and expensive brands. That morning Demetrius had a very stressful business deal and tried to relax himself by taking a little drive. As he existed the city of Toronto and realized he was entering into town, where his parents lived, Oakville. As he arrived at Lakeshore he got out of his car and walked around the water side and collected his thoughts. Not knowing what events that would change his live.

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