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The pair ran out of the mall hand in hand. The rigid cold air brought red hues to fill their cheeks and noses. The sun slowly setting as they escape without being seen form Katsuki's classmates.

"You can let go of my hand now," he attempted to untie his fingers from her, but she just held on even tighter.

"You're warm," she whispered, [y/n] then found herself closer to him—her numb body doing its best to soak up the heat that came from Katsuki.

"Is that hoodie not enough for you?" he scoffed, while his chest stiffens from the strange feeling that began to form in his stomach.

"No," [y/n] yawned, and her body then began to levitate, too tired to hold herself up.

"What are you doing?" he mumbled while watching her body break the laws of gravity. His eyes taking in the way a blue glow came from her figure. Anger began to boil in his stomach when his eyes saw her damaged appearance again.

"I'm tired. I don't feel like walking,"

"Who did that to you?" Katsuki continued to pull the floating [y/n].

"Doesn't matter," her shoulders did a lazy shrug, and Katsuki lets out a grumble.

"How's your mom?" she asked, trying to avoid any awkward conversations with Katsuki.

"The old hag is fi—" as soon as [y/n] heard Katsuki insult his mother, she smacked him upside the head.

"Wh-What the fuck [y/n]?!" he spat, his hands immediately began rubbing the pain that came from his head.

"Don't talk about your mother like that, Bakugou," she spoke sternly, her attitude immediately changing. Katsuki realized and didn't want to escalate the situation. He couldn't deny he goes soft around [y/n], not only because she was already hurt, but he still saw her as the girl he couldn't save.

"Sorry," he muttered before [y/n] latched onto him again.

"She's a good woman Katsuki, and I wish I were able to stay that day...maybe things would have been different,"


"Jeez, when was the last time you ate?!" Katsuki questioned as he watched how quickly [y/n] was slurping her second bowl of noodles.

"Three days? Maybe four, I don't remember," she replied while wiping her lips with a napkin.

"You fasting or something?" he to began to slurp some noodles, but at a much slower rate than [y/n].



"I didn't have money, now I do so I can finally eat properly," she replied, as noodles dangled from her lips.

"Okay, Naruto," he sneered, which made [y/n] choke a bit on her food.

"N-Naruto?!" she laughed, her eyes tearing up from laughter and her light choke.

"What? You're eating bowls after bowls! That's all that Naruto eats," her sudden happiness made Katsuki stomach erupt with butterflies.

"I've only had two," she blushed, but [y/n] couldn't help herself. She was starving.

"If you were having troubles, you could have asked me for help, you moron," Katsuki spoke, his chopsticks began to play with his noodles.

"I don't need help," she replied, her eyes immediately frowning at him.

"I'm just saying," he was no realizing that [y/n] struggled with her anger too. Anything could send her off, and he didn't want to see how angry she could get, so Katsuki decided to just go with her flow.

i finished catching up with the bnha manga so i kinda have an idead where to go!
this is a au so not everything will line up but i will be using certain events!
i hope you like this chapter!
much love and stay safe cuties 💜
-your dummy marle

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