Alyson walked into the meeting room and sighed heavily. The elders were already waiting for her.

"Good afternoon Alyson," Grandmother Willow said with a heavy smile.

"Good afternoon, Grandmother Willow, Dark Horse," Alyson said straightening her spine. She didn't want to look as weak as she felt.

"We've been informed that we've lost a pack member," Dark says his words heavy. His eyes were red and dry looking. Alyson thought it odd she would've taken him as the type to no obvious sign of sadness.

"Yes sir," Alyson felt her voice quiver slightly but took a deep settling breath. "It's been hard but we're not here to speak of those things. I have some very disturbing news about the Skinwalkers."

Grandmother Willow's eyes soften, and she looks upset but doesn't comment on it.

"Yes. you are correct. Let's hear it," Dark says his spine whipping into a straight line.

"While on this trip we learned that Skinwalkers have started hunting in groups like humans did in the ancient times. We watched them stock their prey like they were waiting for the perfect time to attack. They even made a trap for my group. They split into two groups. The first was close to us they knew I would see them. Then while the boys were transforming, they made another group to separate me from the boys."

"Once they did that, they lead me to a tree branch that looked safe but was cut just enough that my weight would snap it. They even broke branches around it so I would fall from the trees. They ambushed me. They're becoming increasingly smarter and smarter and quickly too," Alyson swallowed back any emotion that lingered in her throat. She gave her best explanation of what happened.

"That is increasingly concerning. The other packs have reported a growth in intelligence but nothing like this. They seem to be starting to have a consciousness," Dark said his voice serious.

"We'll look more into this but for now. Take the time to morn your fallen pack member. We'll let you know if we find anything of importance," Grandmother Willow said her eyes soft upon looking at Alyson.

"Thank you, Grandmother Willow, Dark Horse."

"oh, and before we go. I wanted to let you know we found remnants of a pack up north. we're trying to make contact, but they don't seem to have any internet connection, so we have to talk via letters and messengers. We have no other information other than they are in the northern part of Quebec," Grandmother Willow said her voice slightly lifting in mood. Alyson's eyes flashed with hope.

"My dad is up there somewhere!" Alyson said her voice clearly excited.

"We hope it's his pack, they seem relucent to speak with us though. none the less we'll keep trying," Grandmother Willow said with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandmother Willow, for the information!" Alyson said sounding much chirpier than a few moments ago.

"Now we must go, But I want a detailed report from you, James, about how you plan to deal with the Skinwalkers in your area," Dark says looking over James with a slightly distasteful grimace.

"Yes, elder Dark Horse," James nods.

"Please exclude Dustin, Collins, Kaden, and Alyson for a few weeks they need time to heal. They had to witness the death of a close one. They need a break." Grandmother said.

"Wait no!" Alyson and Dustin said almost at the same time.

"No, I can't sit back while the others do work, I can do!" Dustin argues.

"For once I agree with Dustin! Having off time like this will only make me go crazy!" Alyson argues.

"I don't care I want you all to relax and rest. No skinwalker missions for at least 2 weeks. That's an order," Grandmother Willow says flatly. That killed any argument anyone had.

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