04| Swimming With The Hotties.

Start from the beginning

I spotted my phone where I'd dropped it last night. I mentally sighed I relief, as I rushed over to it. I did a quick switch, and held the phone close to me. It was then I noticed how messy his room was. This was only the third day and he had managed to get pizza crust on the floor. They didn't even serve pizza here.

My fingers twitched. I resisted the urge to leave everything and arrange his room. I eventually gave in, because heaven knows I wouldn't be able to live if I didn't.

Once I was done, I smiled in accomplishment. Then I heard a groan.

"Well, this is a wonderful sight to see. But, Ava? Did you go walking around the halls in those sexy shorts?" Thomas teased.

I jumped in fright, my phone falling on the hard floor in the process. I turned around, ready to scold Thomas, but I stopped in my tracks.

Someone save my ovaries.

Now I knew why girls craved a guys morning voice. I never understood it, before. When girls at school would always talk about their boyfriends.

But that wasn't even the point.

The guy in front of me was shirtless. Only in a towel, that hung low below his waist. His hair was dripping wet, and was now a deeper shade of dirty blonde. The way the water droplets trickled down his body. . . I was going to be honest with myself, he looked like someone straight out from a romance novel.

Wait, did he just say these shorts were sexy? I almost puked.

"Excuse me?" I finally spoke, after I'd regained my senses. I didn't pin Thomas to be the flirty type. But again, he was full of surprises so maybe I'd just have to get used to it.

He chuckled, walking over to his bed and plopping himself on it. He rested his hands behind his head so they could support it.

"You heard me." He gave me that boyish grin of his.

"Okay Mr. FlirtyPants. I came here to get my phone since appreciate it got switched with yours last night when I came to—"

"Ava, the fuck? You had sex with me?"

"No, you dimwit!" I yelled in frustration. "You were drunk. I came here to drop you on your bed, idiot. And then I left. Nothing else." I said, through gritted teeth. It was still morning, and he'd already managed to get on my last nerves.

"Oh yeah," he drawled out. "Would explain my head hurts like a bitch." He complained, his hand flying to his head to nurse it. "I am never drinking again. If I do, slap me."

"I can promise you you're going to get drunk once you've forgotten about this hangover." I told him, rolling my eyes.

Thomas sighed. "Do you get joy from calling me out like that?" He whined, but instantly groaned. I would snap at him, but his hangover was already an enough punishment. "Shit."

"Serves you right." I huffed, rolling my eyes at him. I picked my phone up, thankful for the fact that there was no noticeable crack. At least, I hadn't seen any.

"Don't leave me here!" Thomas shrieked, throwing his hands out as if asking for a hug. He pouted, and let me just say he looked like a child. A cute one.

Once I had realized what my thoughts were filled of, I instantly cringed. I shook them off.

"I think the hangover is messing with your brain." I scoffed, glaring at him. I watched his face fall in disappointment. It wasn't that I didn't want to hug him. It was that I didn't want to form any bond with him. After this, we wouldn't see each other anymore so I didn't see the point. It would only end up in me constantly thinking about him, when he would be busy with his girlfriend.

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