Part 66

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Maddie's POV:

"You need to grow the hell up, Alyssa", I said, shooting her a look of anger, as I rolled my eyes. 

"What?",  she asked, playing stupid.  But she knew damn well what she had done.

I ripped the duct tape off of the kitchen sink faucet.  

"You're like a fucking child!" I yelled, completely pissed off, as I stood there soaking wet.  

Trying not to laugh, she continued to act innocent.  

Because apparently she thought it was funny to put duct tape on the faucet and leave a little gap at the front, so when I turned on the water, it squirted all over me, getting me soaking wet.  

I was soooo mad.

"You think it's funny!" I yelled, dripping wet.  "I'm soaking wet!"

She busted out laughing.  "Babe, I swear I didn't do that."

"Then who the hell did?  Someone more childish than you??!! I highly doubt it.  Because I don't even think that would be possible", I said, stripping my wet clothes off and throwing them at her, now standing in the kitchen in only my bra and panties.

She busted out laughing again. "It was just a prank.  And dude, you totally fell for it.  You should have seen you."

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled, as I stomped off into the bedroom, to get some dry clothes.  I was so pissed.  And just so sick of her childish ways.  

"What the hell, Alyssa!  Are you like fucking 5 years old something?" I said, angrily, as I put on a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt.

"It was just a joke.  A little prank", she said, sitting on the edge of the bed.  "Lighten up a little bit, Ms. Tighty Pants."

"Well, it wasn't funny.  You got me all wet", I said, still mad.

"Well, what's wrong with that?  I thought you liked it when I got you wet."

I thought about it for a minute.  Then I suddenly realized what she was talking about.  "Shut up.  And stop being such a perv."

She laughed again.  

I glared at her.  "Will you stop laughing?!  None of this is funny!"

"Ok, ok.  Geez.  You have no sense of humor."

"I do too have a sense of humor", I said, standing there with my arms crossed.

"Ok, well then say something funny", she challenged.

Then suddenly my mind went blank.  Completely blank.  And I couldn't think of anything.  Nothing at all.  "You're putting me on the spot, here."

"That's what I thought", she said, pulling me onto the bed, playfully.

"Stop it", I said, as she climbed on top of me and tried to kiss me.  But I turned away, not wanting her lips anywhere near mine.

"Come on, I said I was sorry.  Gimme a kiss", she said, trying to kiss me again. But again, I rejected her.

"No, I don't wanna kiss you", I said, still mad.

"Please, just one kiss.  I said I was sorry", she said, grinning, like it was all some big, fucking joke.

I rolled my eyes.  "No", I said, stubbornly.

"Too bad.  You're gettin' kissed", she said, pecking my lips.

"Alyssa!" I said, pushing her off of me.  

She laughed again.  "Now, that's better.  We made up."

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