Part 60

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(The above picture is Cameron)

Nichole's POV:

"Everybody, I'd like you all to meet our new hire, Cameron.  She's going to be modeling for the agency, so you'll be seeing her around a lot,", my boss said, in a weekly staff meeting.  I looked over at the new model that he has just introduced.  And if I had to be honest, she was extremely striking.   And I wasn't easily impressed.  I mean, I was around beautiful women all the time.  I was even engaged to one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.  But, if I had to be honest, she was definitely striking.  But, what stood out to me more than anything, was her amazing green eyes.  They were simply to die for.  And it was likely, no doubt, what had landed her a modeling job in the first place.  Even though she was a beautiful girl in other ways too, it was definitely her eyes, that I was sure had caught the attention of the agency.

The meeting ended, and instead of everyone filing out of the room, as usual, many people stayed behind to introduce themselves to the green-eyed beauty that was new to us.

And I as well, wanted to introduce myself to her.  After all, it not only was the professional thing to do, it was also the polite thing to do.  So, I decided to stay too. 

I introduced myself to her, as she to me,  as we exchanged some meaningless small talk.  And I quickly realized, she didn't seem to have much of a personality, or much of a brain, for that matter.  So, it seemed clear to me, that she was just another airhead beauty, which really was pretty much a turn off for me.  

But then, I noticed something else as she made her way around the room, introducing herself to everyone.  Something else soon became quite obvious.  

She was a flirt.  Plain and simple.  A huge, fucking flirt.  Everyone she came in contact with, she greeted everyone, males and females alike, in an extremely flirtatious manner.  Almost slutty like.  

So, yeah.  My first impression.  Not so good.


Alexis' POV:

I was just finishing a model shoot with Nichole.  She had already left and went back to her office because she had some work to finish up before we could leave for the day.  I walked down the hallway towards her office, in order to hang out in her office until she was done, when out of the blue, I felt a pair of eyes on me.  I turned to look.  It was a young girl.  Obviously a model.  A dead give away, because she was extremely attractive.  But the odd thing was, I'd never seen her before.  So I was assuming she must be new to the agency.  

"Hello there", she said, smiling at me, with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen.  

"Ahhh.... Hello", I said, feeling somewhat shy being around such a beautiful woman.  And it's not that I wasn't used to being around beautiful women.  Because I was around them all the time at the agency.  And Nichole was extremely beautiful too.  But for some reason, she made me feel shy.  Almost nervous.

"I was wondering if you could help me", she said.  "I'm new here and I'm kinda lost.  I'm looking for this studio", she said, pointing at a piece of paper that she was holding.

"Oh, that's studio 11.  It's all the way at the end of the hall", I said, pointing her in the correct direction.  It's kinda hidden in the corner.  So it's easy to miss."

She looked down the hallway.  "Oh, thank you so much.  It's always so hard being new."

I nodded.  "Yeah, trust me.  I know how that is."

"I'm  Cameron, by the way", she said, extending her hand.  

I shook her hand.  "It's nice to meet you, Cameron.  I'm Alexis."

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