'He's cute,' said Milo, pointing out a guy handing out rainbow coloured shoe laces to the people in the crowd. He was probably in his early-twenties and wore a skin tight white T-shirt that showed off the hours he clearly spent in the gym.

'Hell yeah,' said Max. 'I bet he'd really throw you around the bedroom. Look at those arms.'

'I'm too busy looking at something else,' said Milo. 'He's really packing out the front of those jeans.'

The man they were watching appeared to be walking away, but then turned around again and headed straight for them. He smiled and held his hand out towards them.

'Rainbow shoelaces guys,' he said, giving them a packet each. They both suddenly went shy. 'Thanks,' they both said, unable to make eye contact with him.

Jack laughed.

'What?' said Milo.

'I just love listening to the two of you talking about the guys you'd like to bang. I just think it's such an honest way to have a relationship  I mean, we all know that people weren't meant to sleep with one person their whole lives, when there are so many other hot guys out there.'

'That's not true,' said Ali, picking up on the conversation. 'Not everyone feels the need to sleep with endless numbers of men. I know that's your thing and I support your right to do so, but some people are happy with just one man.'

She looked at Kai and squeezed his hand tighter. 'Isn't that right baby?'

'Sure is,' said Kai. 'When you find the one, there doesn't seem much point looking for something else. Sex is so much better with someone you love.'

'That's great for you guys,' said Jack, 'but for me sex is best when it's spontaneous and exciting. I love meeting a guy in a club and wondering what he looks like naked. I love getting him home and taking his shirt off for the first time to see what his torso looks like. I love taking his underwear off for the first time and seeing what he's been packing away. I love the feel of a body against mine that I haven't been with before.'

After Ocean broke his heart, Jack had used sex as a way to feel wanted again. He'd slept with multiple men to try and take away that feeling of loneliness. But that wasn't why he did it anymore. He was sex positive. It was something he enjoyed doing, so as long as he was safe, he didn't see why he shouldn't enjoy it as much as possible. He'd recently started taking prep too.

Ali turned to Milio and Max. 'But doesn't it make you feel really insecure knowing the person you're with is looking at someone else the way he should only be looking at you?'

Milo shook his head. 'No, because I do look at Max like that and I know he does me too. But we also acknowledge that we're young and haven't really experienced much of that side of life yet.'

'I think it's a really modern and realistic way to have a relationship,' said Jack. 'I think if more couples reccognised the need to do this, then they might stay together longer.'

Ali opened her mouth to speak, but Jack cut her off. 'I'm not saying that shoe fits everyone, but I think a lot of relationships would be healthier if they did what Milo and Max were doing.

'So how many guys have you two...you know, been with since getting together?'

'Well...' said Milo, then hesitated. 'None.'

Ali rolled her eyes. She figured Milo was all talk and that neither of them would ever go with another guy. Jack saw Ali's reaction and jumped to Milo's defence. The two of them would never agree on this subject.

'But if anything ever did, then they'd both know that is was okay and it wouldn't ruin their relationship.'

'Or they could both just keep it in their pants and that would also stop them ruining their relationship.'

'But sometimes things just happen. If it did, then they'd get passed it, but also have had some great sex along the way.'

'So tell me...' said Ali. 'If you and Ocean had started dating, would you have been happy yo let him go with other guys?'

Ali knew as soon as the words left her lips that she'd gone too far in trying to prove her point. She felt awful as Jack stared at her with sad eyes. The fight had gone from him.

Jack and Ocean had become good friends over the last few months. He'd tried not to think about him in that way anymore, but Ali bringing it up brought it all back again.

'Jack, I'm...'

'They're moving,' shouted Milo excitedly. The floats started off down the street to the sound of Safri Duo's Played a Live. The hot firemen disappeared, replaced by a float of hot policemen. Milo looked like a kid in a sweet shop as he took in the sights of his first ever Pride.

Author's Note

Pride is one of my favourite times of the year. It's so sad we didn't get to do it this year, fingers crossed we'll do it again in 2021.

Hope you're doing well. If you enjoyed this chapter, please confuse giving it m a like or dropping me a comment or two.

Hope you're all keeping safe x

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