"Take care of yourself." He whispered, you felt his heart break with every word.

You played with his hair, "You too."

You pulled away before it was too hard to let go, "Have a safe trip."





"Taehyung!" You exclaimed, "You didn't tell me you uploaded the video!"

"How did you know?" He asked.

"It's trending here on Youtube!"

"No way." He said, in disbelief.

"Really?" Jungkook asked as he came closer to look at your phone. Both of their eyes widened.

"Congrats!" You said then grouped into a hug.

"Thank you, guys." Taehyung said. "And Y/n, thank you for everything you put up with."

You smiled, "Anytime."

Jungkook just glared, "This is too sentimental for me." He then walked to the kitchen, "Let's celebrate."

He took out a few bottles and cans of drinks, you already knew this wouldn't end well. And you were right.

"Hey!" You yelled at the drunk guys after a few drinks.. "Stop jumping on the furniture."

They would just laugh hysterically then tumble away. Then they started jumping on your bed, it drove you crazy trying to control them. But you didn't have to, one side of the bed breaking with a loud creak was enough to snap them out of it.

"Thank you," You smiled sarcastically, "I hope you're ready to pay for this mess."

They both sat down on the bed and collapsed. You were too annoyed to tell them to leave, so you took the blanket and slept on the ground.





You groaned as the sun rays landed on your eyes. You opened your eyes to realize that you were on your bed, being used as a pillow.

An arm was wrapped around your waist. It was one of two options: Jungkook or Taehyung. You were too scared to take a look, but when you did, you wished you hadn't. Taehyung.

You tried moving away his hand, but he groaned and held on tighter.

"Taehyung," You said, "Wake up."

He opened his eyes slightly, it took him a moment to process where he was and what he was doing.

"Um, Good morning." He said, while blushing. "I don't remember anything. Did something happen last night...?"

"NO!" You said, "Nothing like that!"

The redness on his cheeks increased, "I shouldn't have assumed something like that." He laughed and removed his arm. It was the first time you've seen him that embarrassed, it was cute.

"If you don't mind, I think I'll go kill Jungkook." You said and got up.

"I swear I was barely thinking!" Jungkook said defensively after you confronted him, "I just woke up at night, saw you on the ground, put you on your bed then went to sleep. I didn't notice Tae! I was barely sober."


"Did you like it?" Jungkook smirked but stopped after seeing your death glare, "Too soon?" He asked and you nodded.

"One of you is calling someone to repair my bed by the way." You said when Taehyung entered the living room.

"I'm...very busy." Jungkook said and escaped.

"I'll do it." Taehyung said, "Sorry for breaking it."





"You guys should be more careful." The repair woman said while grinning.

"Wait...It's not what you think!" You said defensively. She just smiled at you and Taehyung.

"It's all done, that will be xxxxx won." She said, and Taehyung paid her.

"Well have fun." She smirked then left.

"We will." Taehyung smirked. You stepped on his foot aggressively.

"Ouch!" He whined, "It was a joke!"

"I should get to work." You said.

When you reached the studio, you realized you were in luck. Seokjin was there.

To be continued...

The Devil Wears Gucci {Taehyung X Reader FF}Where stories live. Discover now