Chapter-3 Hogwarts Express

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Now that they had brought their stuff for Hogwarts, Isabella remembered about the revenge she had to take from Fred, George and Ginny. You might have thought that she would have forgotten about it, but Isabella never forgot anything, especially if it was a chance to prank. She thought that they had only jumped on her so she would do nothing big. 

With mischief gleaming in her chocolate brown eyes, Isabella made her way to Fred and George's bedroom after she was sure that everyone was asleep. She opened the bedroom door as quietly as she possibly could, slipped inside and tiptoed to the dresser. She opened the drawer and sprinkled some itching powder on the clothes that she was sure that her brothers would wear the next day. She quickly exited the room and made her way towards the bathroom.

She entered the bathroom, not bothering to keep quiet this time since she had an excuse and could easily say that she had to use the bathroom. She quickly added a few drops of purple hair dye to Ginny's shampoo and slipped out of the bathroom.

The next morning, when Ginny came down for breakfast Isabella was trying her best not to laugh, but when the twins started to itch all over at the same time, she wasn't able to hold it back. She began laughing her head off and after realizing what she was laughing about Ron, Bill and Charlie began too. It was really hilarious. Ginny looked really funny with her hair purple and Fred and George had run off to the bathroom.


The rest of the days before start of term went too slow for Isabella's liking. Isabella spent her time reading her school text books and some other books which she had bought for extra reading. She loved reading and couldn't wait to explore the Hogwarts library. 

On September 1st Isabella woke up to her brothers running up and down the stairs, looking for the things they were yet to pack. She was a very well organized person and had already packed her trunk and triple checked it too. 

She brushed her teeth, took a shower, washed her hair and put on the best muggle clothes she owned. She wanted to make a good first expression.

Isabella went downstairs, to see Molly setting the table for breakfast. Molly had only given bread butter for breakfast. After everyone had breakfast they got ready to leave.

Mr Weasley left for the ministry. Charlie left for Romania and Bill left for Egypt. Everyone was departing from the house on the same day.

It was 10:30 when everyone had finally settled down in the car. The car ride to the station went by rather quickly and soon Ginny, Isabella, Ron, Percy, the twins and Molly were pushing through the crowd at the station.

"Bloody hell! It is so crowded!" Ron exclaimed.

"Of course it is, so many witches and wizards come to see off their children and then it is packed with muggles, of course" Molly replied. "Now, what's the platform number?"

"Nine and three-quarters!" Ginny piped up and then continued pleading like she had been doing all summer. "Mum, can't I go. . ."

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first." Percy ran through the barrier between platform nine and ten.

"Fred, you next"

"I'm not Fred, I'm George," Fred said. "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

"Sorry, George, dear."

Fred began walking towards the barrier and before breaking into a run he said "Only joking, I am Fred" George winked at Molly and went after his twin, leaving Molly to shake her head.

Isabella's attention was suddenly caught by a boy with emerald green eyes and messy black hair, he was wearing clothing which seemed rather too big for him. Suddenly as if he had sensed her looking he looked towards her and they made eye contact, then both blushed and simultaneously looked away. To Isabella's surprise, the boy approached her, Ron, Ginny and Molly.

"Excuse me," he said to Molly.

"Hello, dear," Molly replied kindly. "First time at Hogwarts? Ron and Isabella are new too." she pointed towards Isabella and Ron. Isabella gave him a small wave and Ron just smiled. The boy waved back with a nervous smile.

"Yes," he replied. "The thing is - the thing is, I don't know how to -"

"How to get onto the platform?" Molly asked and the boy nodded.

"Not to worry, all you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platform nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important." Molly told him. "Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron and Isabella, or maybe you and Isabella can do it together." Molly suggested.

"Er - okay," the boy replied.

"Yeah, sure" Isabella said.

Both of them pushed their trolleys forward and went through the barrier together at a run. Once they were on the platform the boy turned to Isabella and said "Thanks."

Isabella looked at him with a confused look. "Thanks? What for?"

"For coming through the barrier with me, of course."

She stared at him for a moment and then chuckled.

"What?" The boy asked her, confused.


He gave her a weird look but said nothing. They both looked ahead of them, and there, as bright and shining as ever was a scarlet steam engine, The Hogwarts Express.

Author's Note: By the way I had to tell you guys that this fanfiction would go according to the storyline of the book but some parts might be from the movies in between. Vote if you like the chapter. Give reviews in the comments section. Thanks for reading!

lots of love


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