Chapter XII : Centimeter

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Days passed by the plan was being sent in motion. Zac's team is rushing to get to Northwestern City.

Zac's team manages to get to Northwestern City a day prior to 15th's hunt.

*they arrived at Northwestern City*

Zac stated
"We're here"
"You understand your roles right ?"

Flashback when the plan was being made.

Zac stated
"Listen up!"

Everybody on the team listen as the team leader explains what's going to happen.

Zac stated
"This plan will revolve around Cassee"

Cassee Responded
"Why me?"

Zac stated
"You have an aura that can conceal presence"
"Logic states that if you can conceal yours, you can conceal ours"

After Zac said that everyone understands the plan. Zac explained it further

Zac stated
"Using Cassee's aura we can freely evacuate civilians"
"Under no circumstances that we fight 15th"
"We can't risk the rankers discovering our existence"
"The planned day of attack by Joy will be ruined if we get discovered"

Wayne's remembers
'Ah yes the attack 3 months from now'

Zac explains further
'Beware of 15th's aura, if you manage to even be inside his aura he'll discover you instantly"

Wayne asked
"Why can't we just let the people evacuate before the attack?"

He has a point.

Zac explains
"Given the circumstance of our existence, it will be chaos if we rescued them before the attack "
"Not that they wouldn't believe us"
"It's just that a generation X rescuing civilians is highly unlikely"

Wayne understood.

The time before the attack

Wayne and the others rest but the tension is still in the air.

Wayne's thoughts
'So this is what happens if you confront one of the rankers'

Everyone didn't say a word but you could see the nervousness in their eyes. The word Zac said that they can't be discovered means that the plan has to be perfect. One mistake can cause an unavoidable confrontation.

12 hours after they everybody felt it. Chills are running down their spine as an insurmountable amount of aura is approaching the city.

Zac stated
" Everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded.

Wayne's thoughts
'He's here'

Zac gave his order
"Everyone survive this!"
"Stick with the plan"

As Zac said those words Cassee engulfed everyone with her aura making them unnoticeable. After feeling Cassee's aura everyone started to move.

15th started with his attack and people started screaming. He didn't notice that everytime he attacks people are getting rescued.

The team is being extra cautious around 15th's aura. They can't let him discover them. They move with precision, no sound was being made.

Wayne can control his temper as he sees 15th's face. He steadily move as obeying Zac's order. He moves faster and faster rescuing people little by little. He was glad that no one has died yet.

Cassee is having trouble controlling her aura. This is the first time that she ever used it covering 8 people including herself. She's gradually getting slower and slower.

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