Chapter VII : Decimo

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Joy, Wayne and her team manages to escape unscathed. They're headed in the underground forest in Northern City. Northern City is one of the cities destroyed by the rankers in this country. Everything was burned down. The Rankers is occupying Central City. Southern, Western and Northern City are destroyed. 5 cities remain in Servant Country.

The Resistance

Wilfred asked
'Who's the guy that fought 15th?!'

William answered
"We have no clue sir"
"But we think that he's no ordinary human as well"

Wilfred answered
"He's human"

Apay Responded
"How can you tell sir ?"

Wilfred answered
"Just a hunch"

Wilfred's thoughts
'So he's the guy Joy was interested in'

Wilfred asked
"Any news regarding the whereabouts of Edfer and Joaquin?"

William answered
"They said they're in Southwestern City sir"

Wilfred chuckled
"They're almost here"
"Prepare the beds and any medical supplies in order to tend to the wounds of the survivors"

William answered
"Yes sir"

Jaireb speaks

Wilfred answered

Jaireb stated
"I managed to produce the weapon I was talking about"
"It's mass production will end in exactly 3months"

Wilfred smiled
"Will it work though?"

Jaireb is full of conviction
"It will work sir"
"Trust me"

Wilfred Responded
"I trust you"
"In 3 months time"
"We'll attack"

Meanwhile in Northern City

Joy and his team finally arrives at the forest. They lay Wayne down as he was still unconscious.

Joy's thoughts
'He's heavily injured'

Joy speaks
"Cassee help him"
"Don't let him die"

Cassee Responded
"Don't worry I got this"

After a week Wayne finally woke up, as he get up he was surprised that he was in a forest. He's body was full of bondages but he's not in pain anymore. He realized instantly that his family died and started crying.

Wayne's thoughts
'How did this happen'
'If only I was stronger'
'I could've saved them if I was stronger'

Joy entered as she saw Wayne looking up while crying. Joy sat down beside him and put her arm around him as if saying she's there for him.

Joy speaks
"Hey come with me"

Wayne responded
"Where are we going ?"

Joy smiled
"Just come"
"I'll show you something"

Wayne realize that they are deep underground but amazed at what he saw. There's animals in this forest.

Wayne asked
"How is there life in this forest ?"

Joy answered
"We transferred it here"

Wayne asked

After asking the question, one by one the team of Joy started showing themselves in front of him. Wayne was shocked because this isn't as simple as humans. They're generation X but different.

Wayne asked because of his curiosity
"You guys are Generation X aren't you?"

Someone answered
"Yes, apparently we are considered traitors "

Wayne asked

Joy interrupts
"Before we get into details"
"How about you guys introduce yourself first?"

There are 8 members of Joy's team. The team consists of 5 man and 4 woman, all are considered treacherous Generation X.

"Yo! I'm the one that healed you!"
"I'm Cassee Dullivan"

"I'm the swordsman of the group"
"The names Zac Roller"

"Yo! I prioritize the support of the group"
" I'm Raven Crawford"

"I provide the muscle of the group"
"I'm Zim Cente"

"I'm the mage of the group"
" I'm Carmela Roberts"

"I'm the gunner of the group"
"I'm Law Domiño"

"I wield a staff in order to fight"
"The name is Allison Avery"
"You can call me AA"

"I'm the one who specializes speed"
"The names Austin Lake"

"You know me already but I'll introduce myself as well"
"I'm the strongest in this group"
"I'm Joy Rodriguez"

Wayne's bowed
"Nice to meet you!"
"Thank you for rescuing me"
"I'm Wayne Orca"

As they exchanged greetings Wayne asked the group seriously

Wayne asked
"So what can I do In order to join you?"

Everyone was shocked they thought that the difference in strength that he saw during that fight would make him give up his rage towards the ranker. Joy uttered some words.

Joy stated
"You can join this group"
"But only if you get stronger "
" we don't need dead weight slowing us down"
"You have 3 months to get stronger"
"Learn from everyone here"

Wayne responded
"Yes ma'am!"

Wayne asked
"This is the first time I've heard of generation X wielding some weapons? What's up with that?"

Zac Explained
"This weapon of ours aren't special"
"But some of Generation X use weapons to enhance their strength"

Wayne answered
"Is that so ?"

Law asked
"You're no generation X, tell us what are you?"

Wayne answered
"I don't know"
"I really don't have a clue about who I am"
"Or how I was able to keep up with 15th"

Joy interrupted
"I know what you are"

Everyone was shocked

Joy continued
"He's a special kind of human"
"A descendant"
"The proof is that ring"

Wayne asked out of curiosity
"What do you mean?!"

Joy answered
" You're not a human or a monster, You're an existence in between"
"You're kind has walked the earth for a thousand years."
"Born to bring balance"
"Only 9 of your kind has been recorded in history"
"And apparently you're the tenth"
"The 10th wielder"

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