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Helen's pov

I woke up the next day with excitement! Today was the day I am going to take Annabeth to her grandparents house for the holidays. She anyways loves her grandparents more than us so me being the good step mom i decided to drop her there. I just freshend up to see a note left on my bed. It read:

Dear Helen,
No offense but I really don't wanna stay with you for the holidays. You might be wondering if I've lost my mind and trust me I did because of all the studying and  I  really need a big break. So um thats it I guess. Oh and one last thing, I also took the 400$ from your purse so don't try to find the money or me because you'll have no luck.

With love,

Wait so Annabeth ran off? Am I dreaming? What is happening?!?!


secret memories (Percabeth Mortal Au Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora