suprise suprise!!

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Annabeth's POV

After dancing for what seemed like hours, I wanted to sit down and take rest. Percy seemed to be enjoying.  'Percy' I spoke softly.
'Yea?' He asked. 'Im tired. Lets sit down for a while, shall we?' I asked him. 'Ok' he replied with a smile. We proceeded to take a seat on the wood log. We stared at the starry sky. 'You know Annabeth? My dad once got me a 3d lamp which looked like the moon. He told me, whenever I feel downcast, or when someone bullies me, just look at the moon glowing. And the light will illuminate up your mood, aswell as the room.' He told me.

'And does it illuminate?' I asked him. He laughed.  'Yea. It did. And still does. It has some kind of magic in it' he told me. 'The same way you do' he told me. Ugh here we go with me blushing for the 866779005433123456778th again! 'Cheesy much?' I asked him.
He just smirked. I rested my head on his shoulder and I hugged his arm.

I just wanted the time to be paused and stay like this for a long time. The warmth in his arm was enough to make me feel drowsy.

Percy's pov

Annabeth rested her head on my shoulder. I could tell it by her peaceful sleepy face. I was also very exhausted so I too, dozed of with my head on top of hers.

------next day------

Since this were our last day in Uetliberg mountains, i decided to trek up on that mysterious appearantly "cursed" mountain, I believe that's utter bullshit. But I couldn't tell anyone. It was around 2 am when I woke up. Annabeth was still sound asleep so I just went back to our tent and gathered all my requirements for trekking. Even piper, leo and calypso were still sleeping. I took this as the perfect moment to set out for the trek.

I looked over at the mountain. I smirked. I'm about to discover this baby. And so, I started climbing the mountain. The atmosphere seemed to be turning into a darker shade, which was mix of blackish-blue. It might frighten the sissies but I wasn't afraid. I was going to climb up to the top no matter what. I was still around 3 feet away from the peak when I heard a rattling sound.

I ignored it. But as I kept walking, I heard some kind of distinct whispers. I could feel panic running in my veins, but whatever it might be, I wasn't going to give up!. I could feel that thing moving closer towards me, but I still ignored it. C'mon jackson! Ignore and concentrate. "BOO!" all of a sudden, a person came out and bounced upon me. I shrieked like a baby. Like literally. This person is so dead.

"ANNABETH!" I screamed at her, as she continued laughing. "YOU SCARED THE LIVING HADES OUT OF ME!!" I kept frowning as i watchedher laughuncontrollably.  'Wait what?! I scared "THE" percy jackson? Woohoo! Mission accomplished!!' She remarked. 'Oh shut up!' I frowned at her.

I continued walking. 'Why didn't you tell me, you idiot? I could have joined you in this solo trek of yours' she said. 'Well I thought you'd be all angry won't let me do this. Besides, I was doing fine, when all of a sudden YOU came along and scared me!' I pointed at her.

'Oh please jackson! Without me you would have gotten bored climbing this mountain all by yourself' she told me. I stuck my tongue out at her and continued walking but so did she. 'Are you always like this? You know, full of surprises and adventure or...' she trailed off. 'Yes annie, im always like this. Since middle school' I told. 'Damn.' She spoke.

'Yea. Its at least better then leading a boring life.' I told her. She knotted her eyebrows together and arched her head upwards to face me. 'What do you mean by a boring life?' She asked me. 'Studying till 22, an employee by 35, retirement by 67 and then? Waiting for death. Bullshit! I don't wanna live such a boring life. Its not what I expect from life.' I answered her.
'Then what do you expect from life percy?' She questioned me again. 'Energy. Madness. Enjoyment' I told her. She seemed surprised but stayed silent and We continued walking.

'You might be wondering' I spoke. 'What about my parents and their opinion on my lifestyle right?' She nodded. 'Well my mom was always by my side with every decision I took. My dad was the same too, but I'm  closer with my mom' I told her. 'Well you're lucky to have a caring dad and a loving mom' she told me with a sad smile. 'Oh. Annabeth I'm so sorry! I didn't know' I told her. 'It's fine percy.' She assured me. 'My step mother..when she came into my life, she decided to play the bad cop. Not that it wasn't necessary. But it used to get to such an extinct that, she would even control my eating style and my dressing style.' She told her side of story.

'I guess that was one reason why I am so insecure about myself. She was also very conservative and orthodoxy. She would always torture me if I didn't pray properly or if I missed attending church. She would only let me study. She didn't send me to any other extra curricular activities except for dance. My dad was of no help either. He was always reluctant to spend time with me. I was so fed up of all the strictness and my boring lifestyle I was leading. And when I met piper, she seemed so nice with me. She liked who I was and had no problem with me. Even I really liked her. But helen had an "allergy" with girls like her.  I was so done with her, that I lost my mind. And thats how I ended up coming to Switzerland. ' she finally completed her story.

I just stared at her. I always thought Annabeth was just some sort of a different girl who doesn't like socializing. Now I know the reason. 'I will always be there with you Annabeth, No matter what.' I told her. All of a sudden she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. I was shocked for a minute but hugged her back. She broke the hug after a few minutes.

'You know percy, honestly you, piper, leo and calypso are the best people I've met.' She told me.
'Glad to hear that' i bowed down. She laughed that beautiful laugh. We continued walking. 'always remember Annabeth, your mind and your heart rationalize differently. But when they think at the same time, your heart is always telling you to choose the right path.' I told her.

I expected her to feel sentimental of that sort, but she looked straight ahead with a suprised look and gasped. I was unsure of why she was pulling on a suprised Pikachu face, but when i looked over, I realized that we had come up to the mountain's peak. I couldn't believe it! We had actually climbed this mountain all by ourselves!! I was so happy and awestruck by the even higher skyline.

I looked over at Annabeth as I held her hand. She did the same and together we screamed at the top of our lungs.

Annabeth's POV

"WOOHOOO!" we both screamed together on top as we held hands. On this mountain, I only felt one emotion. And that was Love. For percy. I didn't know if the mountain was cursed, but I couldn't feel any happier to hold Percy's hand, on this peak. And slowly I had also realized that, I had fallen for percy jackson.

secret memories (Percabeth Mortal Au Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें