V: Sprained Ankle

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V and J-Hope had decided to stay late and continue to practice.
"One more time! I know I could do better." V panted. He was covered in sweat and barely able to stand.
"Whoa! Tae, you need to take a break!" J-Hope warned.
"Not until I get that dance right!" V playfully grumbled. He went to turn on the music and started dancing again.

Again he messed up halfway through the dance and wanted to try again.
"No! Tae, please take a break! You're exhausted!" J-Hope begged.
"I need to get this right!" V turned on the music and went through the dance one final time.

This time he fell to the ground screaming in pain.
"Tae!" J-Hope took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. "What hurts?" He asked as he studied his friend's state.
"My... Ankle. I think I twisted it." V whimpered. His eyes were watering as if he was trying not to cry.
"Um... I'll call Jin and see what we can do." J-Hope whispered before pulling out his phone.
He quickly dialed Jin's number.

"Hey, Hobi! What's up?" Jin answered.
"Um... Tae kinda overworked himself and hurt his ankle." Hobi nervously replied.
"Take him out to the car and wait for me. I'll see if it's serious enough for a hospital visit." Jin replied.
"Alright. See you then." Hobi hung up and slid his phone back into his pocket.

Hobi carefully pulled Tae to his feet. V hissed at the pain that shot through his leg every time he put weight on it.
"You're doing good. Just a few more steps." Hobi encouraged.

By the time they got to the car V was crying. The pain in his ankle had started to climb up his leg. J-Hope pulled V into a tight hug and placed kisses on his forehead. "It'll be alright." He whispered as he continued to shower V with affection.

About twenty minutes later Jin arrived. He had an almost worried expression on his face. "It looks pretty swollen." Jin said as he started to carefully examine V's ankle. "It's bruised but not broken." Jin carefully lifted up the leg of V's pants and gasped. A cut about two inches long rested directly above V's sock. Blood from the cut was seeping into his sock and some blood had already started to dry. "When did this happen?" Jin asked; pointing to the cut.
"A few days ago. I scraped myself on something when I was out walking." V explained.
"Did you clean it?" Jin asked.
"Yes, I did." V muttered.
"Good... Now all I have to worry about is what seems to be a sprained ankle." Jin mumbled. "Load him up and bring him home. I'll see what I can do."
"Alright." Hobi gently lifted V into the car and slipped in beside him. "It'll be alright." Hobi whispered as he hugged Tae.

Later at the dorm V was laying in bed with J-Hope clinging to his side. "I'm fine, Hobi." V insisted.
"You're still in pain." Hobi whispered in V's ear.
"I give up!" V finally said. He nuzzled into Hobi's chest and whimpered. Jin had wrapped V's ankle in an ace bandage so it didn't hurt as bad as it did but it still hurt pretty bad. "Just relax, it'll be better tomorrow." Hobi whispered.
"It better." V pouted.

The next morning the swelling in V's ankle had went down and he was able to bare a little bit of weight on it.
"Careful, Tae. You don't want to hurt yourself worse." Jin teased.
"Don't jinx it." J-Hope pleaded.

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