"Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah...it's been a while,", The blonde said truthfully, hugging his cup of tea closer to his chest. "I missed it."

Blaze decided that they would leave Endgame for tomorrow. It was long anyway. He would probably fall asleep before they finished it. He leaned back on the couch, crossing his ankles on the coffee table. Instead, he decided that it might just be better to catch up.

"I have an idea for what we could do next,", Blaze suggested, propping his elbow on the top of his white couch, leaning his cheek against his palm.

"Oh, really? What's that?", Garroth asked, taking his cup of tea from the coffee table, crossing his legs on the couch while leaning back himself.

"Laurance and I play this game every once and while. You ask me a question, I'll answer truthfully and vice versa. It's a great way to catch up and make conversation,", Blaze explained.

"Sounds like some speed dating activity,", Garroth smirked, cocking an eyebrow at him; "but sure. Let's do it."

"Okay. I'll go first. What do you really think of my apartment?"

"I already told you. I think it's great,", Garroth insisted. "To be honest though, I kind of picture you somewhere smaller. You seem like the type of guy who would enjoy a one bedroom apartment."

"Thank you! That's what I've been saying!", The redhead exclaimed, laughing afterwards. "Okay, your turn."

"Okay...what was the rest of high school life for you? I assume you didn't attend Scaleswind Boarding School after the whole...you know."

"You'd be correct. I did online school at the S.T.F while I did training. It was a quick few years,", Blaze shrugged. "I kind of want to go to college though. I never got that experience."

"Really? What happens when you can't do the superhero-ing?"

"I guess get a leadership role at the base. Washer will hook me up,", Blaze took a moment to think of his next question. He didn't want anything too serious but, wanted to make it meaningful. "Do you think I'm handsome?"

Garroth choked slightly on his tea, his face turning red again. Blaze chuckled while Garroth found his bearings again before saying; "Y-Yeah...I mean, who wouldn't find you attractive?"

"I guess you're right! I am pretty fabulous!", Blaze joked, showing off his muscles in a way that made Garroth laugh again and roll his eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Don't let it get to your head too much,", The blonde said. "Did you date anyone after me? I find it unlikely that you didn't."

Blaze awkwardly shifted, rubbing the back of his neck. He nervously smiled as he answered; "Just once. For a few months." Garroth scooted closer, interested in knowing more. Blaze was slightly relieved that he didn't mind. "His name was Daniel. He was a really nice guy. Sort've reminded me of you. We both liked each other in a way and tried it out."

"How come it didn't work out?"

"Geez! Now it sounds like you rather have me be with him!"

"I'm just curious! I don't want to make the same mistake!"

"Well, you don't have to worry,", Blaze sighed; "because, knowing that the only reason why I liked him is because he reminded me of you, I realize that why date someone because of that? Daniel deserved someone who loved him for him. I wasn't that person."

Garroth softly smiled and said; "That's really sweet of you Blaze."

"It's nothing really. So, again, my partner slot is open if you want to take it!", Blaze said, becoming comfortable again.

Shadows Lingering//A Glaze AU//Sequel to 'A Superhero's Heart'Where stories live. Discover now