"You've got this!"

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Y/n POV~

After the assembly had ended I tried blending in with the Gryffindor's. Moony spotted me, and dragged me by my cloak hood to his new office.

"Moony stop dragging me! I can walk!"

"Yeah that's not happening Sunshine, you're not running off again. Nice try though."

"Ugh, it was one time Moony!"

We got into the office and he let go of my cloak, took my wand, and locked the door.

"Yeah and you we're gone for years! I had no idea where you went! I'm lucky that Dumbledore invited me to work here or else I would have never found you."

"You have no say over my life choices Remus. You know that."

"I'm aware but that doesn't mean I can't look out for you. Before you pull 'the strongest' card, I know but that doesn't mean people won't worry about you." He said in a stern tone

"Fine whatever Dad."

"You're as bad as Prongs when we were kids you know that? He used to call me dad all the time because I'd get onto him for his reckless behavior."

"Yep sounds like him" I said as I laughed

"Sorry to cut this short Moony, but I need to teach a kid, you need to prepare, and unpack."

"You're right. I'll see you tomorrow Y/n."

"See you tomorrow Moony" I said as I left his room.

I inhaled deeply
'This outta be interesting'

As I walked down the corridor to Gryffindor common room I played with some spells. I made myself look like my 7 year old self because I had more energy back then, and skipped through the hallways. As I reached the fat lady I turned back into my normal self. She was sweet.

"How can I help you dear"

"Um hello, I'm Y/n Potter and I'm looking for Neville Longbottom?"

"Ah one of the problem children, do you know the password?"

"Alas I do no-"

I was cut off by someone saying my name. I turned around to look at the person.

"Ah, Fred and George, two of the many problem children."

"You know us!" They said in unison

"What are you up to anyway Y/n?" George asked

"Oh! Well I came here to help Neville train, and learn how to do certain spells!"

"Teaching the 'Unteachable' huh?" They asked

"He's not unteachable, he just has a little bit more of a difficult time getting the spells right! Anyways! Can you let me in?"

"Uh huh suuuure Y/n." Fred teased

"Sure we can help you out!" George chimed in

"Wonderful thank you both"

They just smirked as they said the password. They both then shoved me in the common room. I looked around mouth open in amazement.

"You look like you've never seen a common room before." I know that voice!

"Hermione it's such a surprise to see you reading" I said in a playful tone

"Changing the subject are we love?" The twins said

"Pet names now huh? I like them, they're new! But anyways, I've never seen ANY of Hogwarts common rooms, I never knew they were this big, nice, cozy, and homey. It feels nice."

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