Bonding time?

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Y/n Pov~

As I was about to sleep the doors burst open making me flinch.

"Are you alright?"
"Are you okay?"

They all keep bombarding me with questions, its very overwhelming.

"Okay, okay, okay, one person/one question at a time. Please and thank you."

I looked over them all.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked frightened and concerned

"Yes I'm fine, just startled." I said smiling at them

"Who was that lady?" The twins queried

"Oh hello boys. That 'lady', she's more like a troll of you ask me, is my worst nightmare. Dolores Jane Umbridge. She works for the ministry. I hope you lot never get to meet her." I looked down at my hands,  remembering the things she did.

"Where did you run too?" Hermione asked

I looked at her and smiled

"The Dungeons, Severus helped me. Shockingly.....ill have to thank him later. " I mumbled

"Anywho!" I clapped and carefully got out of the bed, despite their protests.

"I have a students detention I need to attend. Bye guys! Be sure to do your work boys!" I walked down the hallway of the wing, they still stood there frozen.

I clapped

"WELL LET'S MOVE IT" I kindly yelled at them

I left the wing and went to find Malfoy. I over heard from a group of students Sirius Black was spotted near Duff Town, interesting information to know.

I found him in the courtyard bullying students.

"Ah yes Malfoy. Just the boy I was looking for! Come with me you have detention remember." I said tapping my wand against my temple

He grumbled at me, then tried walking inside

"Oh no, no, we're doing detention outside. Follow me please." I walked to the bridge, going to find this 'Hogsmead'

"Profes- Y/n where are we going?"

"Hogsmead, I've never been, apparently it has a sweet shop." I say looking at him

"You've never been? I highly doubt that." He scoffed

"Well it's true. I haven't left the Ministry building except for missions. I'm basically trapped there. Yet again you know that feeling." I kept moving, not skipping a beat. He kind of just looked at me.

"I- I do." He cleared his throat.

"Listen Malfoy. You and I aren't that different. We both seek validation and approval. You from your father, me from Dolores. No matter how hard we try its never enough. You feel like a disappointment, and a failure. Right?"
I looked at him.

At this point we both stopped. He looked at me, with anger, sadness, and the 'you're right' look.

"I'm sorry if I've upset you kiddo. I know what its like to look up to a person, and them not being who you expected them to be."

"Its just- I try so hard to make him proud. It never works. He wants me to keep the pure blood thing going, and I make fun of Granger for it,  but I don't mind.  I only make fun of them to get them to notice me. I just want to be saved, loved, and genuinely cared for. I'm scared of my father...I never want hurt anyone. "

He looked sad, and hurt, and broken.

"I know that your father can be a bit of a git, and that your mother can be arrogant. Trust me I know. But you shouldn't have to seek his validation. He's the wrong person to seek that from." He nodded

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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